part 3 tonys pov

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We were on our way to the tower from an exhausting mission I was flying the quin jet while the others talked about the mission. "Hey cap could you call y/n and tell her were on our way back" I yelled back "yeah I could check on her and she if she got some rest" he replied. I put auto pilot on and turned my chair to face clint Peter natasha and steve. I sighed to myself and wondered what she did while we were gone.

I hope loki didn't cause any trouble. "Tony she didn't answer"cap looked at me "Jarvis give me footage of stark industry's " I turned to the tv "pulling up the footage sir" the tv turned on thor was on the roof walking to the inside door Barnes was in the kitchen. "Jarvis locate nicole stark" I asked Jarvis "miss y/n is in the living room with Dr. banner sir" "Pull up the living room footage" I looked at the tv intensely "Here is the footage sir" y/n and Bruce were on the couch together asleep and a little too close for comfort. I turned off the tv and leaned back in my chair. I put my hand on my face the start of a headache forming I looked at everyone clint caught my eye then he started laughing. "Boy this day am I right" he elbowed Steve, steve was frantic on his phone texting someone not paying attention to clint, peter was asleep thank god. "Oh is this funny to you "I stood up and walked closer to clint. "No I think it's great that she is getting some rest I mean cap keeps telling me how he's worried about her not getting any but we can be glad that she is getting some" he threw his head back and laughed natasha hit clint on the shoulder "hey can't a guy make a joke around here," he said rubbing his arm "not those kinds of jokes we have a child present" she gestured to peter "teen I'm a teen just to clarify" he sat up "I thought you were asleep" I looked at him "i was playing a game on my phone" he looked at me. "Well she is going to be in trouble when we get there "we have arrived sir" Jarvis told us.

I walked out of the jet and made my way to the living room.

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