Snape or Snake? Pt2

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***Suicide trigger warning*** Skip if you are uncomfortable.

Harry's weekend went by way too fast. He heard the car pull into the driveway with just enough time for him to mend himself. His uncle would be furious if he saw the boy had cut his wrists and did not end his life. Harry cleaned the blood off of his switch knife (Picture above) and hid it back in the corner. He then took an old shirt that was now just a rag and wrapped up his arms. He made sure to put on the long sleeve shirt he had to cover up what he had been doing. As Harry's hand-me-down shirt dropped over his torso Uncle Vernon swung the door open.

"Get boy. Go clean yourself, there are people coming." He growled at Harry.

Harry hung his head and scurried off to the bathroom. He cleaned himself as fast as he could then saw to his still cut open wrists. He found a decent bandage in the cupboard that he cut in half with a glass shard he kept hidden there and wrapped his wrists securely. Once done he ran downstairs to start on dinner before Uncle Vernon had to tell him. In no time he was done and setting up the table.

"You will stay away and invisible until my guests have left are we clear?" Uncle Vernon grumbled.

"Yes sir." Harry said and went back to the cupboard.

As soon as he was inside he heard the locks turn. Harry sighed and started to pick at the scabs that were forming. Little did he know that there was someone outside watching as he was being treated like a slave. Or more a house elf to the person that was watching.


Severus had finally given in and went to Potter's house. It was a Saturday when he positioned himself so he could see everything happening with a few exceptions. Nobody seemed to be home but the snake wouldn't let him leave. it bit him every time he tried. Or it tightened around him threatening to crush bones. So he stayed and waited.

Around midday, Sunday, he saw a car pull in. Two oversized males hopped out followed by a slim woman. 'Tunia' Snape thought with a growl. She addressed the younger male as Dudley as the older one marched into the house. He unlocked a door grumbling. Then a smaller boy bolted up the stairs and into what looked like the bathroom. The other three carried on unpacking. It looked as though they had been gone for a while.

Almost as quick as he went in, the smaller boy exited the bathroom and Snape noticed something white and red protruding from one sleeve. Without a word the boy started too cook. When he was done he was locked back up into the cupboard he had emerged from.

Snape waited and watched as everyone, but the boy, ste and spoke. Suddenly he felt a burst of magic and watched as the older whale's face went red with anger before carrying on like nothing had happened. That was strange because something in the house had definitely moved or changed. It took Snape two minutes to realise it was the colour of the guests hair that changed colour.

Another few minutes passed and the guests were leaving. As soon as they were out of site, the anger flooded back into the older mans face. He marched over to the cupboard and dragged the boy out by his hair.

"I'm s...s...sorry Uncle Vernon." The boy yelled his voice cracking.

That was when he realised the scrawny little boy was Harry James Potter. Snape's heart dropped as he remembered the promise he had made to Lily the day before she had died.


"Severus. I know it has been a while. I'm scared. For the life of my child. Sevy if anything were to happen to me promise me you will always look out for him." Lily said, tears in her eyes.

"Lily there's..."

"Promise Svey." Lily had cut him off.

"Okay Lils. I promise. I'll make sure he is safe. Always." Snape gave Lily a hug.

Lilly smiled gently and left him there alone

~Flashback end~

How had he never been to check on the boy before this. Snape was rudely snapped out of his thoughts by a shrill scream. He saw Petunia and Dudley run up the stairs to a room that was shut. Petunia opened the door and Snape almost puked. The room was a horrid colour and in the centre hung a boy with no shirt covered in blood. Snape cast a listening spell to hear what was being said.

"Vernon hun you don't want him alerting the neighbours now do you." Petunia said.

"Of course not." Vernon growled. "Fucking freak.

"Daddy I think he has broken something." Dudley said pointing out a part of Harry's torso that was protruding in a horrible way.

"Yes Dudley that is why he screamed. I will give him a few days to mend whatever needs mending. In the mean time he can just hang there." Vernon said walking away.

Snape removed the spell furious. 'How dare those muggles treat a wizard like that.' The snake now slid off of Snape's shoulders and he saw it go into the room. Harry lifted his head when he heard something. Snape re-cast the listening spell, but found it only worth proving his suspicion.

"Massster." The snake hissed.

"Sssssalvator issss that really you?" Harry hissed back lifting his head a bit higher.

Snape may not understand Paseltongue, but there was no mistaking that bond. Snape never moved. He was trying to think of how he could keep his promise. Surely Dumb-ass-adore knew about what was happening to Harry. So why hadn't he done anything?


Harry was happy to hear the snake from the park. He actually became very hopeful when Salvator told him about a man he brought along. Then there was a bang. A really really loud one. It gave Harry a freight. He struggled to get free because he feared for his life, but that was no use. It actually worsened his pain causing him to feel faint. This sent a panic though his entire being. He struggled more and since he was hanging, his breathing wasn't even that great. Soon he passed out.


It hadn't taken Snape long to decide he would simply kidnap Potter then decide what to do from there. If the Dursleys did not see it coming Petunia wouldn't be able to identify him. That way he would find out if Dick-ass-adore knew all along of Har - Potter's situation. Added bonus He wouldn't have to worry about Harr - Potter getting brought back to these insolent fools.

Snape shot three spells at the Dursley's causing a loud bang to echo. By the time he made it to the room Harry - 'Fuck it I'll just call him Harry' - was hanging unconsciously from the roof. Snape figured he must have had a panic attack or something. perhaps it was just from the strain on his lungs from being hung up. Snape untied him and carried him outside before apperating back home. He had left the snake behind, he figured it would find its own way back.

(1210 words)

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