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Harry was relieved to say the least. Him and Snape had spoken about him returning to the Dursleys and Snape said he was never going to send him back there. It had been two weeks now and Harry's body was no longer aching and his bones were no longer broken. He had wanted to address something with Severus Snape for a while now, but he was too scared to do so. At breakfast one day Snape had brought it up.

"What's the matter, Harry?" Snape asked.

"Sir you have been awfully kind to me. I can't help but wonder what will happen now. I have no where to go and surely I can't burden you forever." Harry said a tear rolling down his face.

"Harry how many times have I told you not to call me sir." Harry flinched and Snape sighed. "Do you think you can tell me about your life with your uncle yet?"

Harry shook his head looking down at the floor.

"You will stay here until you tell me. I cannot decide what to do with you until I understand your life." Snape said and continued to eat.

"Snape? Can I be excused?" Harry asked.

"You have hardly eaten a thing." Snape responded.

"But I'll be fine. I just can't eat now." Harry lied.

He was starving, but he knew if he ate anything he would vomit. Snape nodded and Harry climbed down and went to sit with Salvitor. Snape watched as Harry spoke to the snake and hoped he could understand. Clearly Harry was telling the snake whatever it was he was keeping from Snape.


Three more weeks had passed and Harry still refused to let Snape buy him anything. Harry would hide at any mention of going out and it would take Snape nearly the whole day to find him. Harry still wasn't completely relaxed and comfortable with Snape even though his snake said everything would be fine. Snape continued with his everyday minus leaving the house. He would not chance leaving Harry alone because of the scars that decorated his forearms.

"Snape?" Harry asked as he stood in the doorway of the lounge.

"Yes Harry." Snape responded not looking up.

Harry chewed his lip and wrung his hands together. He didn't want to disturb the man. He wasn't even sure he wanted to got back.

"I want my stuff." He spoke in a whisper.

"What do you mean?"

"At... at my uncle's place. There are some things of mine that I want." By this Harry was mainly referring to his switch blade.

Holding that black and red handle was comforting and he hadn't had it for weeks. He was getting fidgety without it. Snape pulled out a stick Harry now knew to be a wand.

"Accio Harry's possessions." He said and all of a sudden there was a pile of things on the coffee table.

Harry stood awestruck. He only snapped out of it when Snape reached for a black handle. Harry rushed over and snatched up everything. Before Snape could protest he left. Among the pile were some over sized ratty clothes, a baby blanket, a pacifier(dummy) and his knife. Harry kept the baby things he was found with to remember 'simpler' times.

*~* (Self harm/Suicide warning) skip if uncomfortable.

Harry had been sitting in the bathroom flicking open his knife. Another week had gone past. The Dursleys didn't seem to be looking for him, but he still felt like it was only a matter of time. Although Snape was trying everything he could to make Harry comfortable and relaxed. It was a total of two months now that he was living with Snape and just felt like a burden. Snape had no reason to look out for him. Harry wasn't his responsibility.

'Click' The knife was open. It's fire red blade fading into the black handle. He closed it then 'Click' it was open again. He tapped the blade to his arm thinking about everything that was going on. He decided he wouldn't burden Snape anymore. With that in his mind he dragged the blade deep and hard across the length of his forearm. Feeling too weak to repeat it on his second arm and within minutes he let darkness consume him.

Finally the world would be rid of his burden and it would be better off that way.

*~*(Self harm over)

Snape was limping after a rather impatient snake.

He was sitting in the library looking through some books on Occlimency. That was when he felt a sudden pain run up his leg. When he went to see what happened he saw Salvitor's mouth attached to his leg where the pain was coming from. Once the snake had his attention it detached its mouth and slithered off.

"I'm going to fucking kill that thing." Snape growled following the snake.

He didn't care if it was Harry's familiar. It fucking bit him and he had had enough that was the last straw. The snake seemed to sense Snape's fury so it kept far enough away from the man as it lead him through the house until it finally got to the door of a bathroom that was slightly ajar.

'Got you now you stupid...' Snape was hit with the smell of blood as he opened the door. It snaped him (I had to) out of his thoughts. He looked around the bathroom for the source and there he saw Harry on the toilet. The lid was closed and between Harry's legs lay a black and red switch blade dripping blood. Harry's head hung back over the tank of the toilet and his right arm hang straight down covered in blood. The blood had pooled beneath His arm and between his legs where the knife was dripping. Horror filled him as he thought about what he could have done to upset the boy so much. He cast a cleaning spell and another one to stop the bleeding. If he had showed up even two minutes later he feared he would not have been able to help.

Snape worked swiftly and quickly mending the open gash and giving Harry a blood replenishing potion. He lay the boy in bed and flooed Malfoy manner. Lucius answered not a moment later.

"Hey Sev." He greeted the brooding man.

"Send Draco." Was all Snape said before cutting the call and going back to the room Harry was in.


Lucius was, in a word, stunned. No hello. No How are you. No light banter. Sure Snape wasn't known for that but this was his friend. Lucius knew the less brooding and more cheerful side to Snape. Only when something was extremely wrong would he cut to the chase like that with Lucius. 'Why did he want Draco?' Lucius thought to himself.

"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY! GET DOWN HERE AT ONCE!" Lucius scram from his study.

Draco rushed into his father's office not saying a word. He thought he was in trouble and didn't want to make his father more angry.

"Severus wants you. What did you do?" Lucius spoke when he saw his son.

"I don't know dad. Honest." Draco said.

Lucius gave him the bag of floo powder. "Go. We'll talk later."

"Yes dad." Draco grabbed a handful of powder and flooed to Severus' house.

Upon getting there Draco followed the snake to a room. Snape was sleeping with his head on the edge of a bed. A boy was sleeping in the bed wrapped in bandages.

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