Week 1 - 5

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"Silence!" Snape said blandly as he marched into his first potions class.

A snort was heard from the back. Snape glared at the cause and continued his walk to the front. He stood at his desk talking about the potions he could teach the students. Potions to 'bewitch the mind' and 'dreamless sleep'. Then he stopped. Scanned the room and decided to point out that Harry was just a normal kid. He asked Harry a few questions which made him glare at Snape.

"Well?" Snape said.

"I Don't Know Father." Harry growled out.

He nodded his head and gave the answer. He pointed out that none of the others were any better because he knew none of them had the knowledge. Harry spent the rest of the class brooding. He grumbled out answers he knew. Draco could see that Harry hadn't wanted to be put on the spot, but he understood why Snape had done it. After class Harry didn't even say goodbye to Snape. He stuffed his things into his bag and stormed out. Draco almost ran after him, but stayed behind to apologize to Snape instead.

Pretty much every class that day Harry was singled out. Why? Because no one believed he was now Harry Salazar Snape. That is no one except his friends. He didn't care much about the disbelief. He just hated being the centre of attention. Pansy and Hermione would cause a distraction when a teacher looked at Harry for the answer. So would Draco as best he could. However, since he was sitting next to Harry, most of the time that didn't work.

The first day was a nightmare for Harry so he skipped lunch and was thinking of skipping supper. He was only in the Great Hall for 5 minutes when he got up and headed for the door that's when the first scene happened.

"HARRY!" Snape's voice echoed and the Hall went quiet.

Harry froze and turned slowly. Indicating that he had heard Snape.

"Sit Down And Eat." The man said with a hint of anger behind his tone.

"NO Father!" Harry responded angry he was the centre of attention again.

He went to move, but he couldn't. Frantically he looked over to the Professors table and everyone followed his eyes. Snape was standing and making his way towards the boy. His wand was out. Everyone thought he was going to kill Harry. Dumbledore stood up and tried to stop him, but to no avail. Snape stood in front of Harry towering over him. Harry hung his head.

"I told you I did NOT want a repeat of last year." Snape said.

He took off the spell that was keeping Harry. Everyone's mouth hung open when Harry spoke.

"Father. I just can't eat you know..." Harry looked around. "If I have an apple would that be fine?"

"No. You skipped lunch and I did not do anything so you will eat a full meal now." Snape demanded bending down to be eye level with Harry.

Harry latched his arms around Snape's neck and buried his face.

"I will dish you a plate and you will sit and eat. Then you may leave." Snape said surprising everyone with how gentle he sounded.

Harry nodded. Snape stood up and carried Harry to the bench. He dished up the food and sat Harry next to Draco. Then he walked back over to the Professor table and ate his food. Harry kept his head down he didn't want anyone to know he was crying. He ate without saying a word, gulping down the food as fast as he could. Draco tried to slow him down, but Harry was determined to get out of the hall. He would go see Salvitor and just be alone for a bit. Harry finished the plate, looked up at Snape who gave him a sad nod. Then Harry walked out of the Hall.


The rest of the week had gone by without incident. The Professors stopped singling him out which relieved him. Draco and he had spoken more about Harry being gay. Draco was trying to get Harry to tell him who Harry liked, but Harry avoided it every chance. Blaise had noticed how the two 'danced' around each other and one day confronted Draco about it. Draco admitted that he had feelings for Harry, but was hurt that Harry didn't seem to trust him. Blaise knew better because he had spoken to Harry at length about his feelings towards a certain Malfoy. After Blaise confronted Draco he sought the help of the two smartest witches he knew. He also sought the help of two certain Slytherins who had a skill for setting up traps. (A/N: I don't know if I should make a chapter about this so please let me know Thank you.)


Ronald Weasley was livid to say the least. His brothers refused to help him get on Harry's good side. 'Why were they being such assholes.' He thought to himself one day at lunch watching them joke around with Harry. It had been a few days since he had asked. That was when he got the worst idea any jealous kid could get. He would ruin them. Make them out to be the absolute worst people. Then Harry would have to be his friend. Right?

The next day was post day. Ron sat with a smile on his face because he knew what was about to happen. The twins walked in with Blaise followed by Hermione and Pansy then finally Harry and Draco. Hermione noticed the look Ron was giving his brothers and mentioned it to Pansy who said they would have to wait and see what was going to happen. They all took a seat in their respective places and breakfast had started. Then the owls came.

Harry had been about to take a bite of his food when a card got dropped on his table. He opened it and read it turning red with anger and shoving the card into his pocket. Draco and Blaise had asked to see it but Harry refused. He was saved from further questions when someone yelled.

"You guys are supposed to be my brothers but you can't even help me in my deepest time of need! You don't deserve having the family you are a part of." Everyone followed the sound to see Ron point at Fred and George who seemed to be holding a howler.

"Fred got a howler!" Percy shouted and the hall erupted in 'Ohhs' and 'Ahhs'.

"Well go on then George open it." Fred handed the envelope to George.

George opened it and Blaise felt his heart stop. Pansy and Hermione were plotting. Draco had unconsciously grabbed hold of Harry's hand.

Oh Dumbledore dear we thank you for trying to fix that mishap.

The Hall was quiet. Fred teared up and George looked like he got hit by a truck. They had no clue what just happened or why. Harry was still angry from the letter he had received and this just made it worse. Fred and George were nothing the letter had said and Harry knew just how much those words could sting. Then the voice of Ron came full of fake emotion.

"Harry you are supposed to be able to tell good from bad. I thought you would be kind. Are you just as ruthless as those two you consider friends." The hall went up in a chorus of agreement.

Fred had started to sob now. Harry had had enough. He stood up knocking to table. Face red eyes looking like a pit of utter darkness. His magic swirled around him. He took a hold of Fred and George forcing them to stand up. Then directed his fury towards Ron.

"The only vial person here is whoever sent me this blasted note." He took the parchment from his robes. "You ALL think you know me sooo well because you read the blasted paper!" Harry yelled.

He looked at Fred who was now crying on George's shoulder and tapped his shoulder lightly. Fred and George looked at him.

"Come on. You guys don't deserve this bullshit let's go see Salvitor I'll make you some coco." With that Fred and George walked out followed by a fuming Harry.

All the Slytherins agreed with Harry. They had never seen Fred and George be anything but playful. The two would only go a bit over board with 6 people, but it was never with the intent of hurting anyone or their feelings. Blaise and Draco were so stunned by everything. Snape had physically felt Harry's anger and it scared him. Pansy and Hermione wanted revenge against Ron Weasley.

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