14. Caught

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"Put your hands where I can see them." Harry, Louis, Zayn and Perrie heard shouting in Troy's house the next morning.

They were sleeping in Troy's guest room. Harry was sleeping on the bed with Louis while Zayn on a different bed with Perrie.

"Who's that?" They all looked at each other's faces.
Before Zayn could reach his spear, five knights have rushed in their room ready to kill.

"WAIT." Harry shouted.

"Your highness?" They asked in unison looking at Harry. "We are ordered by the King to bring you to the palace with immediate effect."

"I'm coming. As long as you promise not to hurt anyone else."

"The servant is also asked to come with you. Dead or alive." They said looking at Louis.

"Alive it is. And his name is Louis. I want you to adress him by that."

"Ofcoarse your highness. Put your hands in this." The knight hand Harry handcuffs. "Now sir, or I'll have to put them on you by force."

"I ain't going to run. I'm not going to wear that. That's an embarrassment." Harry fought. "Nona, do something." Harry said to Perrie.

"Nona ain't here. I'm sorry." Perrie said embarrassed and feeling sorry and useless. "I can barely do anything."

"Where's Troy?" Harry asked as he was pulled outside with the others.

"I don't know. Him and Johanna."


"You're an embarrassment to the kingdom." The king yelled in Harry's face for the hundredth time. "I don't even know who you are anymore."

Harry just bowed his head in embarrassment.

"And you. You betrayed me." The king turned to Perrie. "You lied to me. You were going to hide that thing-- boy, who took advantage of my son? I can't believe you."

"That was Madonna your highness." Perrie said louder.

"And who the hell are you?"

"It's just Perrie. Madonna can't get inside of me anymore. Not before nine months passed by."

"What? How is that possible? How did it happen?"

"I'm pregnant."

"Right? You're pregnant. What happened to you teenagers and sex without protection huh? Who even dares have sex with a witch?"

"I did." Zayn said bowing his head. "The wizard of Fanning hills tricked us."

"I thought he wasn't a witch anymore."

"Madonna gave him his powers back." Perrie said sadly.

"Where's Louis." Harry asked concerned.

"Who's Louis?" Des asked and then his face contorted into disgust. "The thing who's responsible for all this mess? Are you kidding me? You're still asking for him after all this?"

"Father, you need to give him a chance. He's actually a nice guy when you get to know him."

"SILENCE." Des yelled way too loud. "SILENCE I SAID." His voice holding more anger than anyone else in the room have seen. "DANIEL!" He called his right hand man. "Ring the bell. I want you to gather people. We need to get rid of that thing."

"Father no. You're not hurting him."

"Watch me." Des dared him walking towards the exit.

"If you hurt him, you'll have to hurt me first." Harry threatened.

"Do not make a fool of yourself more than you already did. I'm sure a lot of people have already lost respect for you." Des said his back on Harry. "You'll experience a lot of temptations in your way to becoming king. You don't need to always fall for them."

"He's not a temptation. He's carrying my kids."

"Wait what?" Des asked coming back in the room and walk towards Harry slowly. "That thing is pregnant?"

"He's not a thing father. He's carrying heir to the loyals. He deserve as much respect."

"No. What he deserve, is to be burned alive. That's a taboo. What kind of male gets pregnant? Oh my God. He need to be disposed as soon as possible."

"Dad please." Des left the room and the emergency bell was rang.

"Oh my God. What are we going to do? I don't want them to hurt Louis." Harry said panicking.

"Nothing. We're tied up and Perrie is useless now." Zayn said with a monotone. "You dragged me in this. Maybe you should listen to your father and let them dispose the threat."

"I can't believe you." Perrie said disgusted. "You met Louis, you know how sweet he is. I judged him at first too but when I got to meet him, he's soft."

"Well, i have met his father and he was soft too wasn't he? Maybe this is his plan all along, what if they planned on using Harry. I mean, where did Jay go to? Why wasn't she captured."

"Louis will never do--"

"Mate, just listen to yourself. You're high up his ass you can't see the bigger picture. They are trying to get revenge to the loyals for stripping his fathers powers away. Like they did already with Madonna."

"Maybe you're right--" Perrie affirmed with Zayn. "The willow leaves, dammit, how did Maddona not sense that. Louis isn't just a wizard's son anymore. He himself is a wizard too."

"So, that means he was never part of the plan. Otherwise he would of known that his parents were using him as bait. They deserve to be punished. Not him."

"Oh my God. Des was right. You should shut up." Zayn whisper yelled at Harry.

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