15. The punishment

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Harry, Perrie and Zayn were pushed on the front seat hands still in cuffs. Thousands of people were gathered around mumbling here and there.

"Oh my God." Harry breathed out when he saw Louis in the centre tied to a wooden pole and alot of dry grass surrounding him. He had a black sac on his head and Harry can just makeout how scared he might be.
He promised him that nobody was going to hurt him. Louis was right, Harry have no power to defend him. He hates himself right now.

Two men were pouring gasoline on the grass and on Louis' body making the boy squirm.

"PLEASE!!" Harry yelled out towards his father.

"Maybe you should shut up." Zayn said under his breath when everyone who heard Harry snapped their heads towards them.

"He does not deserve that. If anyone is to be burned alive is me." He yelled again as loud as he could. The mumblings were now loud but you can barely hear what they were saying except the word prince. "PLEASE FATHER. TAKE ME INSTEAD."

"You're embarrassing me." Des whisper yelled. "Act like a prince for godsake."

"Dad, you know he doesn't deserve that. Please don't do this to him."

"Raise the sac off of his head." Des yelled out and the knight who was putting gasoline on Louis earlier raised the sak off of him.

Louis' teary face was revealed and Harry couldn't breath seeing how terrified Louis looked.

"Father please!" Harry begged again.

"The boy over there-" Des started. "Is a son of a very well know wizard, Troy Austin. We forgave him and his disgrace of a father over 15 years ago. And yet here he is, casting a spell on my son, so that he slept with him. Right this minute, the boy over there is pregnant."

The whole hall or studium gasped in one motion. Louis was looking at Harry the whole time his eyes pooling with tears. Silently yelling for him to come help him, but Harry was being held down by a guard, and gagged with a cloth so he wouldn't yell. His eyes were pooling with tears as well.

"He's pregnant. A guy pregnant." Des repeated. "If that ain't a taboo on itself, I don't know what is." He took in a breath. "That's why I decided, a man like him, should not be kept in this kingdom. He does not deserve to live. He made my son sin. He could take advantage of anybody if he could even do it on the prince. Thats why I sentence him to death. TO BE BURNED ALIVE AND SENT TO HELL WHERE HE BELONG. LOGAN, TORCH HIM."

The guard, everyone now know as Logan, light a stick and move towards Louis. Louis started squirming and so did Harry. They closed their eyes tight when the man put the fire on the grass below Louis' feet.

"AAAAHHH." Louis let out an inhuman scream and the fire spread so fast towards Logan's arm that was holding the stick. It spread to his whole body and burned him to death.
Everyone watched with widened eyes as the fire burned until it lights itself out.

Gasps were heard all over the stadium becoming louder and louder by every minute.

"I'm dead. I am dead?" Louis whispered poking himself to see if he really was dead. "Why do they look like they can see me?" He said looking around as people's eyes look like they were on him. "No they can't see you. You're dead remember?"

He then looked up at Harry and was suprised that Harry was looking at him with widened eyes and he wasn't crying anymore like he was a few minutes ago. He look suprised and terrified.

"How am I not dead." He whispered to himself.

The king raised his hand and all the guards cocked their guns and bows and arrows towards Louis.

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