Chapter 3, The Dungeon Escape

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Echo slowly wakes up with a headache on a bed, in a cold room. Her vision fading between blurry and normal. Between each moment of her eyes adjusting taking in new information that she is taking note of. A stone like room save for one wall made of metal bars, oddly a bed compared to what the hive does to their prisoners, a strange object carved of wood that reminds her of the queen's throne.

Echo goes to stand, trying to get off the strange bed. As her hoof touches the cold stone floor she can easily tell she is weak. Her thoughts slowly start to from from her long time under. How long as it been? Where is she? WAIT THE HIVE?! Are they okay?! Do they know I'm here?

Her thoughts interrupted by a tap on the bars. She turns to look to see the Unicorn Sergeant there, and that's when a new set of feelings had suddenly struck her. Fear, uncertainty, wariness, and anxiety

Sergeant Dawning, "I am Sergeant Dawning Cover, of Celestia's royal guard. You are?"

Echo shifts around of her hooves uncertain. Not speaking or answering.

Sergeant Dawning, "I don't mean you any harm. I'm here to ask you to willingly answer questions, or at least see if you are okay"

Echo with a slight tremble in her voice, "Okay?"

Sergeant Dawning, "You were trapped in a spell that was supposed to repell you and your kind out of the city at a high speed. If not physically at least mentally because I do not know how old you are... Or anything really" Like how you are taking this all in. Being in a Dungeon of a city you just invaded and being far from home.

Echo couldn't understand why the pony would ask about her wellbeing. Why he would care for a creature, no, a parasite like her. Or why he would keep her here instead of throwing her out to find her way back home. But her silence seemed to of discouraged Dawning Cover, and with a heavy sigh said, "I suppose we may have you scared beyond thought. I will come back when you calm down"

Dawning Cover walked away. Little did he know Echo in her panic the moment he left begun looking around for SOME form of escape. Left with no other options say for the iron bars. She knew what she had to do. She had to shape-shift into a fly or something that can get past the bars yet get her out quick before the guards come back to check on her. A green flame envelopes her as she changes into a fly and starts to buzz past the bars and down the stone hallway. As she progresses she can see that there are several cells that are exactly like hers and everything seems to be lit by torch light.

Where am I? It all looks the same to me.

It must of been at least five minutes of her flying down the same hallway before she hears the echoing shout from who she can guess be Dawning Cover, "The prisoner has escaped! Find her!" She knew if she stayed as a fly she wouldn't make it much farther. She needed another way. Changing into a guard could easily work, but she doesn't know if Cover could easily tell her apart from the others. With another green flame she turns to her own form and begins to run as she tries to think of another solution. However, her running did not go unnoticed.

An earth pony guard catching sight of her, proceeded to rush after her and shouted with everything he could muster, "She's over here!!"

Echo being fueled by fear at this point, stops and bucks the guard hard in the face knocking the Earth pony to the side and starts to run even faster. AS the hall feeling like it goes on forever, she makes it to a stone staircase leading up to a wooden door.

Sergeant Dawning, "Stop right there!"

Echo pushes herself one last time running up the stairs to slam herself into the door busting it open to find herself in the castle. She slams the door behind her and starts to use her wings to fly. By the time Dawning burst through the door, Echo crashed through a stain glass window to get out of the castle and get into the city. As Echo is flying to find someplace safe to hide she witnesses the sun slowly setting on the Cliffside city. A strange beauty that makes Echo feel a little at ease finally getting out of the castle. Echo quickly lands in a dark alley and, with one last green flame, disguised herself as a random chair. To the outside eye seeming like a chair thrown out to the trash.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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