Chapter 1

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Jacey's P.O.V

Hi I'm jacey im 18 years old and I've been in the center since i was 8. My favorite band is The Vamps. My favorite member of the band is Conner. How can you not like conner he just so adorable. I was sitting on my bed in my room playing my guitar like i always do and the owner come walking into the room "jacey people are coming to adopt get ready please" she says then walking out. I get up and put my guitar down heading to my bathroom. I get dressed and started on my hair into dutch braids. I do my make up and grabbed my phone and head downstairs. 

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^^ what she wears

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^^ what she wears

I sit down on the couch and put my headphones in. I put on the vamps and close my eyes listing to wild heart. I softly start singing not realizing that the people are here to adopt. I open my eyes to see the vamps. I pull my headphones out looking at them in shock.  "h-hi" i stutter. They all smile at me and sit down next me. I talked to them for a little bit and they walk away.

That did not just happen i really just met the vamps. "Not gonna lie Conner looks fucking sexy today and that fucking ass tho like damn work it boy" i say as the walk up to me. I look up at them realizing what i said. "Omg I'm so sorry" i say embarrassed. Conner chuckles . "Don't worry about it why don't you go pack up" conner says smiling. I run upstairs and start packing. I didn't really have that much just a few shirts, leggings, and my guitar. 

I head back down with my stuff and walk up to the to the boys smiling.  "you ready to go kiddo" James said I nod and we all walk out. James puts my stuff in the back and we all get in the car. "tell us more about yourself" Tristan says. "well my full name is Jacey rose, I'm 18, i was in the center since i was 8, and as you can I'm a fan of you guys" i say. "and we all know that you think i look sexy and i have a nice ass" conner says winking. I blush deeply while looking down at my hands. "don't worry bout it" conner says. I nod and I lean my head against the window and look out the window.

I didn't even realize i fell asleep until i felt someone shaking me. I slowly wake up and look over at Brad "we're here love" he says softly. We all get out and I grab my stuff out of the back.  I look over at the house in awe. I never seen a house so big. It's bigger than the center. I love it. The boys brought me to my room. I look around my room and notice i have my own bathroom and a walk in closet. I run over and hug all of them. "thank you! thank you! thank you" i say smiling big. "no need to thank us kid" James says. "conner and I are taking you shopping tomorrow" Tristan says. I nod and we all head down to the kitchen to make pizza.  

Adopted by james McVey|| the vamps fanficWhere stories live. Discover now