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Jeongin's POV:

I opened the front door to see Yeji and her friends.

"Hello Yang. Thanks for inviting us." Yeji smiled

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED BOI!" Lia and Yuna cheered while I let them come in

"Have fun in the party!" I waved at them while they smiled and waved back too.

I went to the kitchen to get ice tea(cause my mama says I ain't allowed to drink until I'm 21)

While I waited for the ice tea to fill my cup, someone tapped my shoulder

I looked at the person who tapped me and it turned out to be Hyunjin.

"Dude where were you?" He slurred, drunk

"Hyung. You're drunk again, I'll make you some herbal tea."I said while he just shook his head

"diD i eVEr tElL yOu wHeRE I gOT ThiS wAtCh?"He says showing me his watch while I shook my head

He giggles before answering.

"WHeN wE wERe aT tHE BaLcONy, hAn hUgGeD mInHo sO TiGhT hE aLmOsT sUfFocAtEd!"

"That isn't your watch story hyung."

"oH yeAh, yOuR cuP iS fUlL oF iCe TEa."He pointed at my now flooded cup whilr I turned it off

oh no I forgot :(

I sighed in relief, drinking my ice tea

"AYE! JEONGIN, YOUR ALREADY AN ADULT YOU CAN DRINK NOW"Hyunjin hyung said while I shook my head

"My mom says I cant drink until I'm 21."

"Who cares? You're already 20 anyways!" He grabbed my cup then gave me a bottle of soju

My baby shark cup.


I placed the soju on the kitchen counter but Hyunjin was quick enough to give it to me back.

"cOMe oN jEOnGIn! JuSt oNe sHoT!!"

"Uh.. yeah, I will. Lemme just go to the bathroom first."and with that I dashed out of the kitchen.

Phew, glad I got out of that—

"Uhh, hey. Yang?" I looked at my left to see Yeji, and she looks a little bit uncomfortable.


"Uhh, where is the kitchen?" she asked while I told her the direction

I was about to go but then she grabbed my arms

"Jeongin, can you please.. Teach me the way, cause I lost Lia, Yuna and Ryujin; and every time we're all lost we will meet up in the kitchen, like we always do."

She never calls me by my first name.

Heart beat: increased to 70%

I nodded while guiding her to the kitchen.

"YEJI UNNIE!!" Yuna screamed while hugging Yeji

"Thank you for bringing Yeji back Jeongin, we really appreciate it." Ryujin smiled while I did the same and excused myself

"aYo yAnG jEoNgIn!! YaNg JeOnGIn! YaNg jEONgIN!! HEY! ISN'T YOUR NAME YANG JEONGIN?!"with a sigh,I met my eyes with Hyunjin hyung.

"Yes Hyung. Its me, Yang Jeongin."I sighed, massaging my temples

"wHERe iS cHAn hYuNg? I (hiccup) nEeD tO FiNd hIm."


"i dOnT kNoW.. i jUsT NeEd tO fInD hIm." He shrugged

"aLsO, I sAw yOU WiTh a bUnCh oF guRlS tHeRe dUdE... I DiDNT kNoW yOu'Re tHaT mAnLy."

"Uhh, no.. I was just-"

"sHushhHh cHILD!  iTs oKaY tO nOt tElL yOuR hYUnGs, yOu cAn eXpLaIn iT to uS wHeN yOu FeEl lIkE iT."He patted my back then went to the dancing crowd

"Who tf gave him drugs?" I muttered

I rolled my eyes and clicked my tongue then went after Hyunjin hyung.

Okay, first off. Why do I have to take care of him? Chan hyung and Woojin hyung are the parental figures and I'm the child figure, its not fair >:(

I continue to follow him until we reached the backyard.

He sat down and admired the moon.

I sat down beside him and looked at him.

Even though Hyunjin hyung has lived a brutal life, he still kept his smile on. Even if it's painful, he still smiles.

This is why I admire him, he keeps his words and always puts others first.

"You know.. The moon is beautiful today." I said quietly while he hummed

"But I'm 10 times beautiful than the moon of course!" He sassed while I just laugh

"Yeah, but I'm 20 times cuter than you!" I said smiling while he clutched his heart.

"HEY YOU GUYS! WE'RE UP HERE GET YOUR ASSES UP!" We flinched at the shout to see Jisung hyung waving his hand, screaming our names. While Chan just stood there beside Jisung hyung, face-palming.

"I guess we better go." Hyunjin hyung said, standing up.


"C'mon Jeongin, let's go before the squirrel busts into flames." He laughed, reaching his hand out.

I smiled then held his hands


"HURRY OR I'LL WHOOP YOUR ASSES ONE BY ONE!" He screamed angrily while we dashed inside


sorry this chapter sucks :/

But stay safe :3 ♡︎


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