nine | win

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I call Taliah, seeing if her and Renea would be ready for brunch with Naomi and I by 1. Immediately a man answers the phone mumbling. "Hello?" A husky voice answers, "Yes, who is this?" I ask, this dude doesn't sound like Oscar. "Lexi, it's Elijah." I roll my eyes trying my hardest not to groan, "Oh, hey. Where's Taliah?" I ask dreading this phone call. "She's in the shower right now, she said something about coming over with Ren to meet y'all for dining-" he says as I hand up immediately, I got my answer already.

I don't know, Elijah just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's just me being judgmental, but there's something off about him. To be honest, Renea doesn't seem that into him. I mean when she was with Jayson, you could see the adoration in their eyes. They were head over heels about each other. Yes they were toxic, but they had deep love for each other. But like always.

That's none of my business.

Phoenix comes down the stairs with her father holding the car keys in his hands. "We're off mamas," He lifts my hand kissing my wedding ring. "Alright baby, have a good day at work," I kiss my husband's cheek. Phoenix wraps her hand around my finger. "And you have a good day preschool Pheo." I bed down kissing my daughter all over her face. They head out hand in hand as I open my laptop in front of me getting ready for work. Being that I've always worked seven days a week for the past three years, Ricky has convinced me to take it easy and try working from home.

Im barely home as it is and Ricky thought it was a bit unfair to only have daddy time, and not so much mommy time. Being the workaholic I am, I was strongly against it, my paycheck was way more hefty when I worked all week, but it would lead to stress and that never turned out good. So with some convincing and my daughter actually asking for "mommy play dates", I finally decided its time to settle down. My days have shifted from seven days to only two days a week in office and three are optional to work from home. Meaning I would only be working on weekdays, which is convenient since Ricky also is off on weekends so we can plan trips with Phoenix. She loves when we're both around.

I've never seen her smile that hard. I currently am one of the head directors at Glamour Magazine. While Ricky is an upcoming CEO of the clothing line FyRe. We've been working all our lives and it's finally paying off. We're able to get our daughter into one of the best preschools in our district, own one of the biggest houses on our block and own five cars, including our baby's pink princess jeep.

I begin typing away on an upcoming project to present to my campaign team as I receive a call. My employee, André, is always checking on me, making sure i'm alright. Surprised he isn't cuffed by now. Kinda wondering if he's gay...

 Kinda wondering if he's gay

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"Hey Dré, what's up?" I answer. "There's that bubbly voice I love, hows everything?" he asks making me giggle. "Everything's good over here, just checked stock right now. Our sales are doing good, so far. Not to my liking but its something." I say sighing. "Alexis Marie Espinal. Don't you come into work today. Its your day home," He demands with the bass in his voice. "Alright, Alright. I won't come in. But if you're there get them sales up or im doing pop up visits." I demand as he laughs. "Yes ma'am." he answers hanging up.

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