No One Needs To Know.

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Chapter Three:

I woke up pretty early the next day to get ready for the "trip", I decided to wear jeans and a grey baggy jumper.  I hopped into my bathroom to have a quick shower and get ready. Once I was finished and dressed I pulled out my hair drier and straightners, when my phone beeped. It was from Tyler, what did he want so early?

From: Tyler.

You should curl your hair, I like girls with curly hair.

-Tyler xx

I stared at my phone, contimplating whether to listen to him or not. I dried my hair and looked in the mirror. I've never had curly hair.

I sat at the table eating my toast when my brother came into the room. He jumped around a little bit, obviously he'd just come back from a run. He grabbed his banana off the side and went to walk out the kitchen, but stopping just beside me.

"Since when is your hair curly?" He looked at me like I had three heads. Yes I listened to Tyler. I don't even know why, it's not like I want to impress him, do I? I blushed.

"I thought it was time for a change." I lied. Riley knew Dane, so I couldn't tell the truth.

"Hmm." He seemed disbelieving, but luckily, he let it go. I let a breath out, that I didn't know I was holding and decided it was time to get going. I went through the garage door and slipped into my front seat. I looked across and saw Riley sat next to me.

"Shit! You scared the crap out of me!" I shouted, wacking his arm with my bag. He just grinned at me, looking unfazed.

"You all packed for today?" He asked, my brother was the one who knew the truth about where I was going for the next two weeks, heck, he was the one that signed for me to go. I'm pretty sure my parents don't even know.

"Yep all packed, don't let it slipped to mum and dad." I begged. I know he won't, well, he could probably tell them straight to their face and they'd brush him off and go "That's nice dear." They're so oblivous. "And, don't trash the place!" I joked

"Yeah, yeah. You best get going, if you're going to get to Jay's in time." He said as he got out the car, he knows my friends better than I do.

"Alright, well, have a good two weeks without me, see you soon. Love you." I call out, already leaving the garage. I know he won't miss me, it's just ritual.

I takes me about 10 minutes to get from mine to Jays, so I was one of the first there. There were twelve of us going in total, six boys and six girls. There were six rooms in the cabin, three with double beds and three with two single beds. We hadn't discussed sleeping arangements yet, because there were only two couples, me and Dane, and Ashley and Josh, so we thought it best to discuss when we had everyone together. Currently at Jays, was me, Jay, Dane, Ashley, Summer and Josh. We were waiting on Tyler, Dylan, Joe, Amber, Lexi and Jessica. We are taking three cars, Josh's, Dane's and Joe's. They all had trucks, so theres enough room for clothes and alcohol. After 20 minutes, it was half nine and everyone except Tyler was here.

"Right!" Jay shouted clapping his hands and jumping on the back of the truck. "I have spoken to everyone and I have the sleeping arangements." I smiled, finally. I know Dane has asked that we don't share a room, as we're both not ready for.. that.

"Okay, Amber and Jessica, Summer and Lexi, and Josh and Ashley, you will all be sharing double beds. Dylan and Joe you will have a room with two seperate beds, as will me and Dane. Jamie you will be with-" Jay was cut off by a motor bike engine, we all knew where that was going but why. I understand that I'm the only one in a relationship so nothing will happen with us, but still, temptation. Eurgh

"Tyler, you'll be sharing a room with Jamie!" Jay shouted over the noise. Tyler just gave him a thumbs up.

"Okay" Jay continued. "Everything is loaded up, so if everyone could make their way to their cars. Summer, Lexi and Dylan, you'll go with Joe. Amber, Jessica and myself, will go with Dane. Ashley, Jamie and Tyler, you'll go with Josh. Go!" Everyone clambered into their assigned cars. Ashley shouted shotgun and climbed in next to Josh in the front. I groaned inwardly. I did not want a two hour car journey with Tyler, especially so close. I got in the back of the car and plugged my earphones in. I closed my eyes after putting on One Directions, Steal My Girl. The car started and we started the drive to the cabin.

We were almost at the cabin when my phone buzzed in my hand.

From: Tyler

I see you took my advice, I like your hair. You look hot ;)

-Tyler xxx

I almost gasped, but I held it in. I shook my head and looked out the window.


From: Tyler

No reply, I thought you liked me?

-Tyler xx


From: Tyler

You seemed to like me yestereday, I mean, stripping for me ;)

-Tyler xx

I huffed and quickly tapped a reply.

From: Jamie

Eurgh shut up! I have a boyfriend. I didn't strip, you were being a pervert.

Leave me alone


I saw him chuckle out the corner of my eye.


From: Tyler

Thou doth protest too much. And really, leave you alone, we all know you want some of this. Hey, we're sharing a room, maybe I'll let you ;)

P.s No kisses? I'm hurt :(

- Tyler xxx

From: Jamie

You're being very forward with a girl with a boyfriend, and no, no kisses. I will ask Jay to switch my room with some.



From: Tyler

Hmm, yeah, lets change the room, to a double bed ;) because that's the only change Jay will make sweetheart, trust me.

P.s Just one kiss, no one needs to know ;)

-Tyler xxx

I groan loudly, luckily Ashley and Josh are listening to music, so they didn't hear me.

From: Jamie

Fine, one kiss, but that's only because that's what everyone else gets.

-Jamie x

I waited for his reply, but it never came. The car stopped and Ashley and Josh got out. I took out my earphones and turned to open my door.

"Jamie?" Tyler whispered. I turned around to face him, and found myself staring right in his eyes. They were beautiful.

"Yeah?" I sighed. Suddenly he kissed my lips. It lasted not even two seconds then he opened the door jumped out and whispered in.

"Just one kiss, no one needs to know." He winked at me "Unless you decide you want some more." With that he shut the door and went to get the luggage in.

I sat there staring at the space he once sat in. He kissed me. He kissed me and I liked it. I felt so guilty. What about Dane? What will I do? It's okay. I can control myself. Just one kiss. I'll just tell Tyler it's never going to happen again. I definetly can't ask to move rooms now, it's too suspicous. All the thoughts were swimming round my head. I felt dizzy, I stepped out the car and saw Dane taking in his stuff, he smiled unknowingly at me and I smiled back at him. I loved Dane, I know I did, but can I control myself around Tyler?

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