Juli-Chapter 1

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Maybe my mother was right. Maybe there was more to Bryce Loski than I knew.

Maybe it was time to meet him in the proper light.

I walked up to his house and before I could even knock, the door opened to reveal Bryce with his dazzling blue eyes. His smile was so wide that it reached his ears.

As I stared into those eyes, I realised one thing. For the first time, Bryce Loski was genuinely happy to see me.

" Thank you for planting the tree," I gave him a firm nod, a smile not daring to leave my lips.

" Well, I know how much it meant to you and I wanted you to know how sorry I am, Juli. For everything. I was a jerk to you. I'm sorry," His eyes pleaded with guilt and sadness.

I glanced into the hall stretched behind him avoiding his eye contact like it was the plague. The memories reeled back one by one as I felt the anger and embarrassment that I've felt towards him for the past few weeks crawl back into my head.

" You hurt me. You embarrassed me in front of your friends. Did you think that planting a sycamore tree was going to make me forgive you?" I said.
I crossed my arms.

" It's not enough. I know. But...I promise you that it will never happen again. Cross my heart and hope to die," He drew an X across his chest.

My eyes flickered from his chest to his eyes.
" Cross my heart and hope to die?" I couldn't help but smile a little.

" I'm sorry. I'm not good at this stuff," He admitted as he scratched the back of his head.

We stood there staring at each other for a while. I had no idea what Bryce was thinking. But I was contemplating whether I should let Bryce into my life.

I sighed.

I couldn't believe I was doing this.

" I forgive you."

His face lit up like a Christmas tree. I wondered if that's what I looked like whenever I saw Bryce pre-all-the-drama-that-happened.

We went on our bicycles and travelled the entire neighbourhood. I don't remember what we talked about, but as I stared at him, I knew that this boy was going to be sticking around for a while.

The next morning as I got ready for school, I caught my mom staring at me with a smile on her face.

" What?" I said as I placed the plates for breakfast.

" Nothing," my mother's look said a lot more than nothing.

" Mom, seriously what?"

" I saw you with Bryce Loski yesterday."

The name itself put a smile on my face.

" Seems to me that you had a lot of fun."

I felt a blush creep up my neck.

" We might have," I tried saying nonchalantly but failing miserably.

" And?" My mom said as she put the scrambled eggs in my plate.

" And what?"

" What's the deal with you and that boy?" My mom asked casually.

" Mom!" I could feel my cheeks getting redder by the second.

" What? You kids, with all your drama and stuff. As long as it doesn't involve my kitchen, it is fine by me," My mom waved her spatula in the air as she made her point.

" No problem," I said as I quickly shoved the eggs into my mouth.

When I opened the front door to go to school, I saw Bryce Loski on his bike waiting for me. Waiting for me.

That was enough for me.

When we walked into the school, Bryce took my hand and wrapped his fingers around mine. His grip was tight; as if he would never let go.

Bryce was holding my hand. My hand.

I wasn't hallucinating, was I?

We walked to my locker. I looked at Bryce who was...

" Are you blushing?" I couldn't hide the surprise in my voice.

" No," he muttered. He stopped looking at me in the eye. I touched his chin and tilted it towards me. His eyes widened as the colour began to rush to his cheeks.

" I like it when you blush," I said as my hands reached his cheeks.

Just then, a locker slammed shut with a large sound.

" Ughh, I can't and will not stand if you are going to be this mushy," Darla groaned.

" And you," she said as she pointed a finger at me accusingly," are going to give me all of the gory details later."

She flipped her hair to the back and strutted away.

Just then, the bell rang.
" I'll meet you at lunch ok?" I said as I gently slipped my fingers from his grasp.

Then, he did something so unexpected that I thought it was a dream at first.

He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed so hard that I could feel the heat emanating from my cheeks.

" See you at lunch," he smiled as he walked away from me.

By lunch, the news spread as fast as a wildfire about Bryce and I.

The girls were giving me a stink eye and the guys didn't care but looked at us awkwardly when we held hands for the first time.

We were the gossip of the school.
But I didn't care.

Hello! Hi! I just want to say thank you so so so much for picking up this story. I loved the story of flipped and immediately wanted to write a sequel to it.
You do not have to read the book or watch the movie to read this story. And if there are any takings from the first story, I promise to mention it.
The last scene of the first book ends with Bryce and Juli planting a sycamore tree.
A sycamore tree is really important to Juli because there was a huge tree in the neighbourhood which she loved which is why Bryce decided to apologize with it.
Darla is sort of a friend to Juli. She truly ever saw Bryce as a friend.
I hope you like this story.
I have no idea why I said that.
I really do hope you like it.

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