A Dream

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After some time when Prayas didn't leave, the White Queen stopped the fight and looked at him. Both the Queens stood there waiting for him to speak but he was silent.

"Speak," The Red Queen ordered annoyed by his silence. He had interrupted them.

"My apologies for disturbing you Queens," he bowed his head.

"I wanted to talk about...." He went silent.

"Adhir," the White Queen finished it for him.

Prayas stared at the Queens.

"We know you visited the cell," she said.

He was confused about what they knew about the conversation that was held between him and Sati.

"We don't know anything child, speak up."

Prayas nodded and told them everything.

"I am here to request you to let him go." He pleaded.

"You think he is innocent?" the Red Queen started to round him.

"We....we don't want him to get punished if he is innocent and..." he stuttered.

"You want us to set him free?" she was not so impressed.

"No, not now but when his innocence is proved." He stated quickly.


"But somewhere I feel like it was all misunderstanding and maybe we should..... You should let him go," he said and the White Queen came close to him.

"First prove that he is innocent," she stared at him not liking what he said.



"By meeting Reason,"

"Ok... Do what you want to do but unless he is proven innocent he won't leave this palace," The Red Queen made it clear.

Prayas stood there not saying anything. The queens thought the conversation was over but he didn't move.

The Red Queen raised her brow. "What Now?"

"I...I want to request that... Maybe you stop...torturing him," he said.

The Red Queen didn't like it while The White Queen showed her teeth.

"Ok," the White Queen agreed and the Red Queen looked at her.

"Thank you....and one more request... I was wondering... if you could put your hand... on his head and...." he paused.

The White Queen understood what he was trying to say. "It won't work. We can only use that power on vampires," she said.

"Why are you so desperate to let him go?" the Red Queen questioned. She was quite angry with him.

"I don't want an innocent to get punished," he said slightly feeling pain in his chest.

"Who said he was innocent? There is no proof. First, bring it and then talk," The Red Queen spat.

First, he went to the cell without asking them and now he dared to ask them to let him go. The guards told the Queens about him visiting Adhir's cell. The Red Queen wanted to stop him but the White Queen asked them to let him meet Adhir.

"You can leave now," the White Queen told him stopping the Red Queen from saying anything more.

He bowed and left.

"Sister," The Red Queen waited for her explanation after Prayas left.

"You know how wolves are. They can get inside anybody's head. Adhir has manipulated him into thinking that it was all misunderstanding."

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