Mission 3 (Rewrite)

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Dante POV

We were walking til I remember (Y/n) had hit her head from that fall, so I look at (Y/n)before I ask her, "(Y/n), you okay?" I ask (Y/n).  (Y/n) looks at me before telling me, "I am Dante. I don't think nothing is broken and thank God it is just a bump." (Y/n) said to me with a small smile on her face.  I look at (Y/n) before I ask her, "You sure, you be able to keep going?" I ask (Y/n).  (Y/n) looks at me before telling me, "Yeah, let's get a move on." (Y/n) said to me.  I had to grabbed her sword and give it to her and she thank me after words.  I am just glad that she is ok and I was worried that something bad happened to her and I couldn't bear to see her get taken away from me, but I promise myself that nothing is going to happen to her.

(Y/n) POV

Dante was making sure that I was okay from when I got knockout by that demon.  Me and Dante are walking through an ally way and there was some kind demon that was shooting some blue lights towards us, so me and Dante had to dodge it and there were more demons but we kept fighting them till there was no more demons left.  We went inside to a club area and once we got inside the club we kept looking till we look at an wall so me and Dante look at each other and we both smile at each other and nod our heads and we both smash the wall and there was some kind wheel so me and Dante slash our swords together at the wheel and something started to open. 

We started to move and that's when we both fell on top with each other and I realize I was on top of Dante and I started to blush bright red and so did Dante and I was thinking to myself 'wait a second? Dante is turning red so does Dante like me or is it because we are on top with each other?' I was thinking to myself.  Dante start talking to me and I was space out that I totally forgot that I was still on Dante, "Um, (Y/n) you are still on top of me. Maybe I like this new position that we are on now." Dante said to me.  I was blushing red and I got off of Dante and I stick my hand out to help him out.  I noticed a shotgun on the wall and I decided that I should give it to Dante because he may need it more then me, so I give the shotgun to Dante. 

Dante gave me a smile before he started to leaned close to me and I started to lean on him before we could almost kiss each other, we got interrupt by a sound that was coming from behind the door we both look at each other and we decided to go through the door and it was quiet but before we could go through the door there was noise above us and we started to get our weapons out and started to get ready to killed some demons.

Time skip

Me and Dante were done fighting demons from inside the club, we left the club and we were back outside and we started walking on the path till it leads us a big opening and there we were was a ice area but that didn't caught my attention there was something in the middle and as soon that me and Dante went closer to it the ice started to crumble and that's when it started to break.  Me and Dante had to move back from a demon that was a dog that had three heads and it they start talking to us, "Leave now, mortal! The likes of you are forbidden in this land! You who are powerless are not worthy to set foot here!" The demon dogs yell out to us.

The demon dogs were yelling at us, but me and Dante didn't care at all because Dante looks at the demon dogs before he starts taunt around with them, "Wow, we've never see a talking mutt before. You know in a dog show, you'd definitely take first place." Dante said to the demon dog.  I had to say something funny about those demon dog, "Yeah a dog that has impressed talent should go because of a talking dog." I said to the demon dog.

The demon dogs did not like those answers,  "You, a mere humans, make a mockery of me?!" The demon dogs yells at us.  We noticed the demon dogs were firing their ice breath in front of us.

Dante's POV

I'll pick up (Y/n) to make sure that we didn't get caught by those demon dogs ice breaths.  Luckily, we were able to get away from their ice power and I put (Y/n) down on the ground before I look at demon before telling him, "Easy, Fido! How about I take you out for a walk? Come on puppy, let's go!" I yell out to the demon dog.  I started to taunt to the demon dogs because me and (Y/n) started clapping our hands to taunt the demon dog, "You'll both regret this, you worms!" The demon dogs yell out to us.  Me and (Y/n) just started to get ready before yelling out, "It's showtime!" Me and (Y/n) yell out.  I got into a fighting stance before looking back at the demon dog before telling the demon dog, "Come on!" I yelled out to the demon dog.

 Me and (Y/n) start to fight the demon dog and we noticed the demon dogs had ice blocking their face, "(Y/n) used your guns to shoot off the ice." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) looks at me before she nods her head and pulls out her guns and starts firing at them.  I got my sword ready to go and started to jump up and slashed him with my sword before the demon dogs started to turned red.  I'll wasn't paying attention before I hear (Y/n) yell out my name, "Dante! Move!" (Y/n) yells out to me.  I didn't know what was going on till I felt (Y/n) tackled me on the floor, "Oh shit!" I yell out.  (Y/n) looks at me before asking me, "You okay?" (Y/n) ask me.  I'll look at (Y/n) before telling her, "Yeah. Thanks for the help back there. If it wasn't for you (Y/n) then I would've been a ice cube by now." I said to (Y/n) with a small smile on my face. 

We won the battle and the demon dog was talking to me, "You are not human, are you?" The demon dog asked me.  I look at the demon dog before telling him, "Who knows? I'm not even sure myself." I said to the demon dog.  The demon dog looks at me before telling me, "Regardless, you have proved your strength. I acknowledge your ability. Take my soul and go forth! You and the human have my blessing!" The demon dog said to us.  The demon dog starts to turn into a weapon and some kind of light and it was coming towards to me before I stick my hand out to the little light.

A bright light was blinding me and (Y/n) before the bright light was gone and I was holding some nunchucks before I started to do some cool tricks with this new weapon that I got, "Too easy!" I said to myself.  (Y/n) looks at me before she smiles at me, "I love the new weapon." (Y/n) says to me with a smile on her face.  I'll just smile at her before we started walking away to get to the door, but we hear a large crash coming from behind us.  Me and (Y/n) turned around to see a women on a motorcycle, I grabbed (Y/n)'s waist real quick before I started to get me and (Y/n) away from the woman.  Once the woman stop her motorcycle, I let go of (Y/n)'s waist before I ask the woman, "Are you going to the party? What's the hurry, didn't ya get an invitation?" I ask the woman with a smirk on my face.

The woman took pointed her rocket launcher towards to me before she fires it towards to me.  (Y/n) looks at me before she started to dodged the rocket and I jump on the rocket before I started laughing because I was having fun of the rocket and I heard (Y/n) was laughing me before she started to yell something to me, "Be careful!" (Y/n) yells out to me.  I look at her before telling her, "I will!" I yelled back to her.  Once I was done with the rocket.  I landed down next to (Y/n) before I see her looking at me with a smile on her face before we could say anything to each other, we see the woman started her motorcycle and drives closed to us but she messed us by a inch.

(Hey! Physical's I got a middle finger! XD because there is no way in real life that a motorcycle could do that like Lady could do. I am not sure, so don't get upset with me because I really don't know if that is true.)

Me and (Y/n) look at the woman that was gone, "This just keeps getting better and better!" I said to myself.  

Jackpot baby: Devil May Cry 3 (Dante x reader)  Book 1: RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now