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Katie's pov

I didn't think I was good enough for him. For all I know he was just some f-boy who is famous pop star . I ignored him with a smirk on my face because I was embarrassed and shy.

"No flipping way!" Hayley said looking at me with a surprised face.

"What?" I replied with a smile on my face.

"Oh my gosh it is obvious, it's that smokin hot hottie from the airport" she laughed. I put my hand on my forehead as she starting flailing her arms in the air at him.

"Dude, what was that for?!" I said while rolling my eyes and slapping Hayley's arm.

"Hey cutie, what's up?" the guy laughed. I couldn't keep a smile off my face, i had a big grin on my face.

"H-hi-iii" I said in a shy, low tone. i look down embarrassed and mentally cursing at myself for sounding stupid.

"Well.. i was gonna ask you and your friend if you guys wanted to come to a party hosted at a local bar.." he asked with a furrowed eyebrow.

"Um.. i don't really know we might be kinda bu-" I get cut off by hayley.

"Yes! we will go we have nothing to do Friday night" hayley blurted out and looked straight at me and winked.

"Sweet, I will see you girls tomorrow at 7?" he asked in high voice.

"I guess so" I said in a aggressive tone while rolling my eyes at hayley once again.

"i'm daniel by the way.." he says and holds out his hand. "i'm also in a band," he chuckles and i look at him surprised.

"katie. and i didn't know you were in a band! that's cool!" i say with a smile on my lips and shake his hand. he smiles back and chuckles.

"yep! we're in a band called Why Don't We," he says and i giggle.

"that sounds like a lot of fun to work with your best friends.." i say and look over to Hayley who had her eyes glued to her phone.

"yeah it's pretty awesome," he smiles and looks down. "well i better get going, i'll see you guys on friday!" he smiles and turns around.

"bye! see ya friday!" i yell back and he chuckles. 

Hayley's pov

"I totally ship!" I whisper to Katie as Daniel walks back to the bar.

"Whatever, i'm probably way out of his league" she sighed with a frown on her face and looks down.

"Oh come on Katie you are literally the best any guy would be lucky to have you!" I shouted at her.

" Oh stop you are too!" Katie said. "look at that guy over there" Katie pointed out. He has short black hair that leaves a strand over his forehead and has toned muscular arms through his shirt. I dozed out as I was fantasizing about his toned abs a- "HELLO?!" Katie screamed in my face with half the restaurant looking at us.

"What was that for?" i whispered in a panic.

"You were clearly zoned out looking at that guy over there.." Katie laughed. He wasn't really my type, but i would be lying if i said he wasn't a little attractive..

-time skip-

Katie's pov

"Okay let's split the check and call the uber" I say and she nods.

"On it" Hayley shouted as she gets her uber app out. As I walked out the door i felt my elbow being tugged. It was Daniel!

"Hey can I get your number real quick?" he asked in a flirty tone.

"Uhh.. sure!" I said over excitingly. he handed my phone back to me and i looked up to him.

"Thanks princess," he said with a wink. and then he walked off before i could reply.

"What the- you just got a FAMOUS person's number?" Hayley yelled in shock.

"Yeah.. I guess!" I said while we started jumping up and down.

-time skip to the apartment-

We got ready for bed and just before i get settled i get a text.

Daniel <3

Katie ;)
Hey hot stuff!

Daniel <3
Are you still going to the party? I hope so,,I want to learn more about you ;)

Katie ;)
Then I'll for sure make it!

Daniel <3
Yes!! Goodnight love! 😉

Katie ;)
Goodnight <3!


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