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Daniel's pov

we got to the party and Katie looked absolutely gorgeous. like i mean drop DEAD gorgeous. her friend looked a little bit nervous but i shook it off as we headed to the drink table. "so are you having fun so far?" i asked as Katie nodded her head with excitement. "hey why is Hayley look so nervous?" i asked Katie and she froze.

"o-oh it's uhh n-nothing." a little smile formed on her face.

"ummm okayyy" i said as she took a sip of her drink. her nose scrunched up and she stuck her tongue out.

"what is this?!" katie asked and i just laughed.

"it's fruit punch with vodka. it's actually really good!" she nodded her head and chugged it down.

"you know what, why not?!" she said as she grabbed another and chugged it down.

Katie's pov

daniel smirks at me as I chug the vodka punch down. "what?... is there something on my face?" I whispered as I looked down at my feet. daniel puts his finger on my chin making me look at him. "no there is nothing on your face I just think it is funny that you are chugging it down to impress me" he laughed. "well- I, I.., I don't really drink but, I know you go to a lot of parties?" I said anxiously. " I don't really drink but I didn't stop you because you were making these weird faces" he smirked at me again. "OH MY GOSH I LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT" I yelled at him pushing his chest but doesn't move at my weak attempt. I met some of the boys he lives with in the house and met one of his friends corbyn. I give a warm smile. He seems like hayley's type.

Hayley's pov

i look over to see katie and daniel standing at the drink table talking to each other.

i smiled and looked over to see a girl pinned to the wall by some guy. ew get a room... i squinted my eyes to see who it was. my eyes go wide when i see who it is.

it was fucking thomas. that bitch.  i thought he was a good guy, but i guess i was wrong.

i then look back over to where katie and daniel were to see her chugging punch. it probably had some type of alcohol in it, so i would have to deal with her later.

i have never liked parties. the idea of parties make me want to cry. i have heard so many stories from other people and it scares me. i'm also and introvert, so i don't really like being super social.


  ~a few hours later~

Katie's pov

me and daniel walk outside to sit on the edge of the pool. I start teasing him by whispering in his ear about random drunken thoughts. he pulls me on top of him and slides his tongue on my bottom lip for an entrance. I hadn't had my first kiss- I just followed his silky lips and soon started to have a full on makeout session. I started playing with his waistband and he pulled my hand away then before I could do anything Hayley starts pulling me off of daniel and I pout :(

Still Hayley's pov

i've been sitting in a corner for the past few hours. a few hours of being in torture. i absolutely hate it here. i want to go home and snuggle in my bed while watching cartoons.

i can't handle this anymore. i have been pushed around, invaded on my space, and i'm just done with this bs. i look to find katie, but she's nowhere to be found. great! just my luck!


after about ten minutes of looking, i finally found her on top of daniel outside. i walk up to them and soon realize they were making out.

i tapped her shoulder and she turned to me. "oohhhhhh *hick* heyyyyyyyyyy *hick* hayleyyyyyyyyyy...." she drunkenly said. i rolled my eyes and grabbed her arm and pulled her off of him.

"come on katie, we're going home." she pouted and crossed her arms. she started to protest but i quickly started dragging her toward the uber i got before i looked for her.

as we go into the uber, i told the driver out address and he took us home.

~at home~

i was propping katie up on my shoulder and lead her to her room. as soon as i put her down, she was passed out. which was good because i was too tired to deal with her right now.

i walked out of her room and into mine. i knew she wouldn't feel like going to work tomorrow, so i was just going to say that she was sick and i had to help her. which wasn't really a lie, so that's good.

i went to my dresser and found some comfy clothes to wear and headed to my bathroom. i turned on the water and stuck my finger out to see if the temperature was good enough. when it was at the temperature of my liking, i took a nice long shower.

~after the shower~

after i was comfy, i climbed into bed and snuggled my teddy bear and quickly fell asleep, erasing my mind with all that happened at the party.

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