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Atsumu was annoyed, annoyed at the fact that their house was being used by two complete strangers, annoyed that those two complete strangers moved, shifted and reconstructed parts of their house, but most of all he was annoyed at Shoyo, who wasn't even mad that their house was being used.

Shoyo kept telling him that this was like a very real version of a reality show. But it still didn't sit well with him. Atsumu could see that Shoyo didn't mind at all but rather incouraged it. There were some good aspects about this thought, their garden was being taken care of really well and seeing Shoyo so happy about it made him happy. The once forest like garden filled with dead plants and thors was now an actual garden that's looked fresh, colorful and lively.

It had been approximately thirteen days since the two- since Katsuki and Kiyoomi Sakusa had moved in with them. They were completely different from each other yet fitted so perfectly well. Both Shoyo and Atsumu didn't have to worry about the house being out of shape or dirty with Kiyoomi around and the garden was trusted into Katsuki very capable hands.

Over the past thirteen days they had learned alot about their new very much alive house mates. Like how Kiyoomi was twenty-four and a professional Volleyball player. Atsumu didn't know what that was untill Katsuki had excitedly called one of his friends about Kiyoomi's match with a different country and because of his excitement both Atsumu and Shoyo were curious to see what exactly it was and Kiyoomi didn't disappoint. All three of them were on the edge of the couch shouting and screaming. It had surprised Atsumu how much he had enjoyed watching the match Him and Shoyo didn't stop talking about it even after it was over or the day after that.

They also learned that Kiyoomi had mysophobia. That was the reason he didn't liked being touched or being in public it also explained why he wore a mask all the time and gloves, and was so dedicated to cleaning.

They learned a few things about Katsuki too. One was that Katsuki Aomine Sakusa was a brilliant cook. His cooking made Atsumu wish he was alive more often then he needed. Katsuki was also a year older the Kiyoomi and was almost blind without his glasses. They also learned that Katsuki was a writer who had written and published many widely popular book series and was now working on his newest project. Sadly Neither Shoyo nor Atsumu had even heard of any of the books he had written.

They shockingly also learned that Katsuki had a small eating disorder that was the reason why he was so thin. It was also weird probably because they weren't used to it but with his hair down and in a robe standing out in the patio taking in the morning sunlight Katsuki looked like a small yet rather tall lady with droopy eyes pale skin and messy hair.

Both Shoyo and Atsumu were also in a very unpleasant way scared and traumatized into never going into Kiyoomi and Katsuki's shared room. They got to know one more thing about Katsuki, behind his bright caring personality he was also a pervert.

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