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"I can't watch this anymore!" Atsumu whined loudly.

Shoyo looked up from where he sat on the couch, lazyly watching the news that was playing on the TV.

"what" Shoyo asked he obviously was paying attention.

Atsumu pointed an accusing finger at Kiyoomi who was washing the dishes for the third time using some sort of antibacterial cloth.
"This is the third time. The THIRD TIME!" Atsumu went closer towards Kiyoomi with a weak and frustrated expression "Omi Omi please stop your going to scrub a hole in the plates" he all but begged.

Seeing as it was hopeless and Kiyoomi couldn't hear him or see him he dropped his head and made his way back towards Shoyo who was now lying on the couch idly watching some commercial that started playing. Atsumu went over towards him and dropped down laying on top of Shoyo with his face in his chest.

Atsumu was about to complain when the front door banged open startling not only the living dead but also Kiyoomi who almost dropped the cup he was wiping.

"Sorry, my bad my hand are a little occupied" Katsuki panted.
He came in carrying groceries many bags in each hand as he stumbled but made him way toward the kitchen.

"Ohh what did you bring!?" Shoyo asked as he almost push Atsumu off of him and ran towards Katsuki excitedly.

"R-regected" Atsumu cried fake tears as he clutched his chest as if it hurt him physically.

"Put them on the counter I'll disinfect them" Kiyoomi went towards the end of the kitchen, opening the bottom cabinet and taking out disinfectants.

"There are more in the car I'll bring them too" Katsuki moved towards the door "really hope I didn't leave a dent" he mumbled.


"Nothing!" Katsuki ran out towards the car to bring the remaining groceries.

He came back with multiple more bags and placed them on the counter. Watching his husband work his chemically magic. Kiyoomi saw him staring at him and playfully sprayed Katsuki lightly earning a small shreak.

"Why are you still standing here. Go shower"

"Alright, alright I'm going"

Katsuki came back from his much-needed relaxing bath to see that Kiyoomi had mostly cleaned and placed all the items he had bought into their respective places.

He made his way toward his husband who was wiping the counter. Katsuki pulled his husband into a back hug arms wrapped around Kiyoomi's waist as he leand his head on his shoulders.

"Are you hungry?" Katsuki asked, pulling him closer towards his chest. "I'll make dinner. Their's this new recipe I came across "

"Yes, I'm starving" Kiyoomi removed the gloves from his hands, turned around not breaking Katsuki hold. Kiyoomi cupped Katsuki's cheek and jaw to make him look at him. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Kiyoomi leand down and kissed him.

They kissed for a while but before things got more heated Katsuki pulled back and smirked.

"I should get dinner started, don't want you to exhaust yourself on an empty stomach" The sounds of cooking filled the house, drowning out the sounds of the TV.

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