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july 1st
third person

ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟs sᴀᴛ in various spots around madelyn's apartment, all clothed in pajamas and snacking on stuff they'd scrounged from the pantry. elaine had called for an emergency sleepover an hour prior claiming she had boy problems.

the boy being rudy, the problem being he seemed to be avoiding her.

apparently this problem was so big it included dragging caroline and julia into it. julia seemed a bit disinterested as she layed beside madelyn, trying to keep focus.

caroline was listening intently, trying her best to offer what advice she could. she was the only married woman in the room, so it was likely she'd have the most experience when it came to relationships.

and that's exactly what maison didn't understand.

elaine wasn't in a relationship with rudy. they aren't dating. they aren't even the talking stage! so why did she seem to care so much? last time maison had checked, having a crush on an obtainable person didn't include obsessively checking over every detail of said crush's life.

"i just don't understand." elaine complains. "i've done everything possible to show him i'm interested and he's just not seeing it."

maison bit her lip, exchanging glances with madison. the darker skinned girl was staring at her with despair in her eyes.

both girls knew why rudy supposedly hasn't seen elaine's advances.

he wasn't interested.

rudy sighs heavily and let his face fall into the cushioned couch.

"what's wrong bub?" chase inquires. the two boys had opened their apartment to jonathan for the night and the three now sat sprawled across the couch watching the greatest showman.

"elaine." he mumbled.

chase winced as jonathan made an oof noise. both boys knew his predicament.

"what'd she say this time?" jonathan questions.

"she wants to know if i'm free to go do something. i don't know. i stopped reading after 'are you free.'" he admits, rolling over so he was laying on his back. he huffed as he stared, fixated on the ceiling. "how many times do i have to make an excuse before she understands i don't want to go?"

"well bud, maybe it's time to just give her a straight no." chase suggests.

rudy sighs and rubs his face with his hands. "i know i should i just. . .i'm gonna feel bad."

and stupid his conscience added. rudy told it to shut up.

of course he was stupid. a nice girl is practically throwing herself at him for just one chance at a single date.

why couldn't he take the chance?

because you're into someone else his conscience reminded.

"who's the other girl?" chase questions softly. "or guy. or neither. not judging, just curious as hell."

rudy sighs deeply. "maison." he says quietly.

jonathan's eyes widen. he didn't think rudy was actually going to say anything.

apparently neither did chase because he choked on a handful of cheezits. he chugged half a water bottle before he finally regained his ability to breathe.

"you're joking." chase deadpanned.

this made rudy's skin prickle. "no! why would i be?" he asked defensively. one of the worst feelings was definitely friends not agreeing with a crush.

chase shakes his head rapidly. "dude i fully support you! it's just—mads told me that the reason why elaine was ignoring mac all those weeks ago is because she was jealous of her."

"what?" rudy questioned, surprised.

"why?" jonathan asked eagerly.

chase paused the movie and sat up. "she thought mac had a crush on rudy."

jonathan screeched and rudy's heart started beating a bit quicker.

maison? crush on him? no way.

"so much tea. so so so much tea." jonathan whispered. he was practically buzzing with excitement. he needed to text drew and the maddies asap. he made a lame excuse of having to use the bathroom and dashed towards it with his phone in hand.

while he rapidly texted the 'ruson whores' chat, chase prompted rudy to try just one date with elaine. maybe feelings would change. and if they didn't then he'd be forced to tell elaine he wasn't interested and then that little problem would be gone.

it was a terrible idea but rudy was almost tempted. the only reason he didn't agree: what would the cast think of him if he played elaine like that? what would maison think?

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