Day 7:

19 1 0

All hope is lost. My head is shaved. My clothes are gone.

Blood is beginning to dry on my body in maroon cascades from several large wounds across my arms, legs, and stomach.

I see no reason to live much more. Catherine even came to the jail to see me then threw the lavender she picked at me at me and kept pushing on to understand why I would bring such shame upon their household; no one will buy bread and its all due to the witch accusations. If even gentle hearted Catherine managed to believe the false allegations; what the people gossip about me must be very believable.

Knowing that I will never return home is the worst part of it all. Death is nothing in comparison to the fact that I will never be able to hug my best friends. I would rather welcome death than have my mum not know what happened to her youngest daughter.

I hope my writings somehow survive and are seen by people in 2014. They must know how I died. I hope my mother sees this and knows that she will be my last thought as I am burned alive.

 My name is Mikaela Diaz. I was born January 11th 1999. I died on December 23rd 1600.

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