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»»» LAVENDER threw another pebble against the ground, the clatter rippling through the air creating soft echoes throughout the chamber

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»»» LAVENDER threw another pebble against the ground, the clatter rippling through the air creating soft echoes throughout the chamber. They had been discussing variations of the plan for the past half an hour, with Fred detailing each course of action they could attempt, before listing out the issues surrounding it. For someone who was always conducting insane pranks at Hogwarts, the whole experience was starting to unnerve Lavender, her patience slowly wearing thin.

"Technically if you don't pass through completely, then you can be in both realms at the same time." Fred started, pacing in a small circle. He pressed a finger across his mouth, his gaze darting between the archway and Lavender, endless scenarios running through his mind. "I can ground you on one side and you can peak your head through, find the Gatekeeper and ask all the questions you want," he continued.

"That is if we don't get sucked in," Lavender added with a glint in her eyes. She raised her hands up as if to surrender when he shot her a particularly dark look, but failed to keep the smile from forming.

"We won't," he said, his eyebrows burrowing as he turned back to the Veil. There was so much at stake. Though they joked about it, neither of them truly wanted to die. Having experienced a glimmer of life, it was clear they both had unfinished business.

He stared at the archway, his expression unreadable. But as he shook his head at himself, Lavender approached him, spotting the tell-tale signs of his unease now that she was closer.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" She asked, her hand snaking into his own. She tried to ignore the way her heart jumped erratically when he tilted his face to meet her gaze. He glanced down at their intertwined hands, before offering her a wry smile.

With a gentle, almost non-existent touch, he pushed a couple of loose strands away from her face, his smile widening when she shivered. "This is by far the craziest thing I've ever done," he said, keeping his voice low. "And I know this whole situation has freaked you out. So let's just get the record straight, I'm agreeing to this for you Lav." 

His stare intensified, eyes scanning her own, rapidly moving between them so not to lose a single piece of information. "You believe this will work and that's enough for me," he finished, pressing his forehead against her own.

Lavender shut her eyes, the warmth of his skin setting her body alight with desires she didn't even know she possessed. The whole idea of spending an eternity with Fred Weasley enticed every living cell, her soul and spirit begged her to reconsider her choice. Her eyelids flickered open, meeting two brown ones that were already fixed on her. Though it would be easy to pretend there was another way, a dark foreboding sensation wormed through her heart. Merlin would never stop coming after her. She needed to figure out a way to protect Fred, and if she was worthy of a miracle, she dared to hope for a life she could spend with him.

Rubbing her forehead side to side, she allowed her nose to graze his. "Okay, let's do this," she whispered. Fred hesitated for a moment, before stepping away. "Oh and one more thing," Lavender called, her hand grabbing his arm. "Thank you," she said, one corner of her lips tugging into a smile when she noticed the faint blush claiming his cheeks.

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