Chapter 8:

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Harry's POV:

I was so excited to spend the next 3 weeks with my new friends. They all seemed like cool lads, all very funny and good to be around. Louis was very protective over me ever since he found me crying on stage, but I cant complain, I like being close with him.

We had just gotten out of the car and arrived at the bungalow when my phone vibrated on my lap.

Gemma: call me please

I got out of the car and immediately called her

"What's wrong Gems, are you okay" I asked with panic in my voice

Louis seemed to notice my panicked state and put his hand on my back rubbing soothing circles, and I had to hold back a sigh

"Chill H, I'm good, I just wanted to ask how the auditions went" Gemma replied, chuckling

"Oh, yeah they were good, I'm actually in a band now. We got through to the Judges houses just barely and were staying at Uncle Sam's bungalow for 3 weeks until filming for that starts. I'll call you every day I promise" I say to my sister.

Louis gave me a smile, in which I quickly reciprocated, letting him know everything was okay on the phone, and he went to the back of the car to grab his luggage.

"Ah, that's good. Hopefully this band will be better than your old one and won't ditch you" Gemma said, switching the phone to the other ear

"They arent my old band, I'm still with them, but yeah I agree. Anyways, how's Devin?" I asked, she always loved to rant about her boyfriend

"He's good, he just left accually, we watched The Notebook" Gemma said

"You better not have scratched the CD, that's my favorite movie" I responded, half seriously but half jokingly

"Dont worry about it H. Anyways, I'll text you later, I bet your band is waiting for you" Gemma replied

"Ok, text you later Gems, love you" I said quietly so this other boys wouldn't hear

"Love you too H, go away now" Gemma laughed on the other end of the line.

I hung up and grabbed my luggage, and went inside where the other boys were already waiting.

"Harry, we have a problem" I heard Niall say from one of the bedrooms.

"What is it Ni" I asked, walking to the bedroom, and immediately seeing the problem. I created an "o" shape with my mouth when I saw

The bed didn't have a mattress. I ran into the next room to see it didnt have a mattress either, just the frail wooden bed frame standing in the middle of the room. I remember last year Uncle Sam was telling me how every winter he took the mattress from the bedrooms so that squirrels and raccoons wouldn't make homes in them. I geuss he hasn't returned them yet.

I turned around to see all the boys behind me

"WERE MAKING A NEST ON THE FLOOOOR" Louis screamed, opening a cabinet to expose many inflatable mattresses, pillows and blankets

The house filled up with cheers and laughs as all 5 of us spent the rest of the afternoon blowing up air mattresses and placing pillows on the living room floor to make a big nest of pillows and blankets, where we would sleep.

Once we were finally satisfied with our sleeping arrangements, we collapsed on the mattresses, out of breath and turned on the TV.

"You guys wanna play FIFA?" Niall asked, pulling out a CD case from his bag

"Hell yeah, I'm unbeatable at that game" Louis replied, grabbing a controller from the couch.

I got up and popped a frozen lasagna into the oven that my mum had dropped off, then joined the lads on the couch

Everyone had played, and somehow, the tie breaker was between Louis and I.

He scooted closer to me and grabbed his controller, his hand nudging my leg.

The boys were cheering for us, while Louis was actually trying to win, and I had no idea what I was doing, I was just passing the ball to random players and running in circles.

He was about to win the game, and I couldn't let that happen. Without thinking I subtly layed my hand overtop if his, making him freeze up.

I used my controller to kick the ball on the TV and somehow, the ball went in the net. Ha ha I won! Niall stabbed his lasagna with a fork and stuffed it into his mouth.

"HOW DID YOU WIN YOUVE NEVER PLAYED BEFORE" Louis laughed falling over.

"I geuss I'm just better at FIFA than y-" I started, but was cut off by Louis tickling my stomach

"AH, n-no, Louuu, sto-stoppp it" I laughed, tickling him back

I stood up to try to get a better angle to tickle him back, but he pushed me back down onto the couch, falling on top of me.

He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head still laughing. He moved his position, now straddling my waist.

We made eye contact, when I felt his grip get a bit looser on my wrists. I freed my hands and wrapped my arms around his small waist, picking him up and throwing him back onto the inflatable mattresses

"Ay, Harold, I'm the best at FIFA, I want a rematch" Louis said pouting, but smiling, shaking his pointer finger at me

I laughed at his cute pout and pulled out my phone to check the time, 1:30am.

"I'd love to do a rematch, but it's late, we should get to bed" I said

They boys agreed and put their plates in the sink

We all went into the bathroom to brush our teeth, when I noticed Louis pouting and looking into his bag.

"You ok Lou" I asked him, earning a look

"Uhm.. well I kinda sorta forgot toothpaste at home" he said, biting his lip

"Dont worry mate, you can use mine" I replied, handing him my minty toothpaste

He smiled but then cringed at the taste of the spicy mint, I laughed.

We all got ready for bed and layed down on the mattresses.

Louis plopped down beside me and pulled the blanket over both of our heads, earning a giggle from me.

"I'm expecting a rematch tomorrow curly" he whispered

"Sure, sure, I think you just don't want to admit that I'm better than you" I said with a smirk

Louis covered my mouth with his hand, moving closer, both of us instantly got quiet

"We will see about that tomorrow curly, goodnight" Louis smiled

We said goodnight to everyone before drifting off to sleep, Louis's ankle resting ontop of mine, and my hand barely pressed up on his stomach

A/N: hmmm, we had a Larry moment ;)
What's your impression on Gemmas boyfriend?
Remember to comment and vote, and if you have any suggestions on how I can make this fic less boring, I would love to hear :)
I feel like it has alot of irrelevant stuff and not enough of a plot and I feel like something like this has been done before too....the Larry bits are a bit cringy too, but I'm trying

I also started writing this with no plot in mind, so I'm just writing as I'm going. Kinda regret that, but we will see what happens

Stay safe and healthy
Drink some water and get sleep !!


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