Chapter 28:

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Louis POV:

"Can you stop quickly at that convenience store up there? I promised your sisters I would bring them some nail polish" Harry asked

"Yeah, what colours are you gonna get?" I ask, turning into ths dark parking lot of the small store

"Hm, I don't know. What are their favorites?" He asks

"Well Daisy likes blue and purple, Pheebs likes red and Fizzy likes all the colors. She said she doesn't like to have a favorite because she doesn't want to make the other colours feel bad" I explain

"Aw, that's adorable. I can't wait to meet them, they seem like such good kids" he said with a fond look on his face

"They're the best" I reply

The parking lot is empty because it's still very early in the morning, so I found a parking space close to the door. We parked and stepped out of the car.

I met Harry on his side of the car and leaned into his side. The snow on the ground had turned to slush, and it was slightly raining.

We got to the front of the store and stepped inside, immediately feeling the heat from the heater in the back.

I look over at the cashier and he is sleeping behind the counter. I tap on Harry's shoulder and point to the sleeping man.

He quietly snickered and pulled me to the back of the store. There was a small shelf with bottles of nail polish of many colours.

"Ooh look theres a sparkly one" I said, picking up the small glass bottle of nail polish.

Harry smiled and softly kissed my cheek, it was a random gesture but it gave me butterflies nonetheless.

"I'll get a few colours so they can choose which ones they want" he said picking up several bottles, including the sparkly one

"They're spoiled little girls. I can already tell they're going to love you." I laugh

"That's good because I'm going to be around for quite a while" he replied placing the bottles down on the counter infront of the sleeping man

I give him a soft smile and we both look at the man behind the counter, giving eachother confused looks

"Um, sir? Excuse me?" Harry spoke up, slightly shaking the mans shoulder

"BILL, WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT SLEEPING ON THE JOB?" A womans voice boomed from the back room, in a thick Texan accent.

Bill suddenly woke up, startled by the sudden outburst, and immediately started to scan the bottles of nail polish and place them in a bag. He didn't make eye contact and he didn't say anything, probably embarrassing by being yelled at.

Meanwhile, the lady who had yelled at him was watching him with narrowed eyes, leaning against the wall and smacking her gum loudly. She had bright red lipstick on, and she looked quite young.

We paid and said a quick thank you before walking towards the door

"Sorry Eleanor, I didn't realize I dozed off" I heard Bill quietly say before we stepped back outside

Once we got outside, we looked at eachother and bursted out laughing at the scene that had just played out

We got back into the car and started to drive to my house, we were only about 10 minutes away from it at this point, I recognized the store we were just at.

I couldn't help but smile as I pulled into my neighborhood, it had been so long since I was here last and since I saw my mum and sisters. Sure we called and texted every day, but it wasn't the same as seeing eachother in person

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