Chapter 14:

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Louis POV:

Comfy. That's the first word I thought of when I woke up in Harry's arms. We were so close right now, I don't think we could physically get any closer. I mean...we could but... Stop thinking like that Louis. I mentally slap myself. Get your head out of the gutter

Harry tried to move, but I just nuzzled further into his embrace. I felt a kiss on my forehead and I smiled into his neck. Wait, why did he just kiss me?

"Lou, Louis wake up" I heard him whisper into my ear

I mumbled and nosed closer into his chest

"Time to get up Louis, we're going to the Judges Houses soon" he said slightly louder

I sat up and Harry went into the kitchen.

That's when it hit me, I had just been cuddling with him, and I felt as my cheeks heated up.

I went into my bag and rummaged around, finding absolute nothing in it. All my dirty clothes were on the floor.

Harry came back in the room and handed me a banana to eat.

He noticed that I didn't have any clean clothes to wear, and offered me his jumper.

He bit into his banana, sending....images....through my mind
I bit my lip and blushed. I dont know why, nothing like this ever happened with my other friends.

"You going to leave, or do you want to want me change" I asked laughing and poking him in the stomach

He smiled and walked out of the room, and, did I see him blush?

I quickly changed and was about to leave when I decided to do something about my hair.

I combed it and put in a bit of gel, but it wasnt cooperating.

I looked around the room when my eyes locked on the beanie that Harry was wearing a few days ago. I grabbed it and brought it up to my nose instinctively, inhaling his strawberry and vanilla scent.

He wouldn't mind me wearing this right? I put it on my head and adjust my hair so its poking out at the front.

I walk into the kitchen, greeted with smiles and "goodmorning"s, as I sit down and we eat breakfast.

Harry tells us his mum is waiting outside, so we clean up the bungalow and race into the car.

I make sure to get a seat beside Harry. I want to try something to see how he reacts.

I lean over to "read a sign" and put a hand on his thigh. He gets visibly red.

Now I know, the boys were definitely not lying. I think Harry likes me.

But, is it so wrong to say that I might like him too?

No, I'm straight. I think? He's just a close friend, right?


A/N: ok so now Harry confessed to himself that he likes Lou, and Lou knows he likes him, but he is conflicted and confused about his sexuality
Short irrelevant chapter again....sorry
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