Play Pretend

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Credit ©️ pictures to Pinterest

-Yue's POV-

//knock on door//

"Miss Yue? Your uniform and breakfast is ready." one of the maids said from outside my room.

I woke up, made my bed and opened the door. "Thank you.." I said and bowed. "Oh! Yue, what happened to your hand?" she asked and carefully grabbed my hand to examine.

"Ah, it's nothing. It's just me being clumsy." I replied and smiled. "Well, I'm going to get ready for school now." I added as my maid nodded and left.

I changed into my uniform and taught about Oikawa's sweater. I folded it nicely and kept inside another bag.

Well. It's true every student only has 1 outwear sweater. Whatever. I'm going to wear without it.

I also packed my sports outfit for volleyball practice since the preliminary competition is coming up very soon.

Once I was done changing and got everything ready for school, I went down and ate my breakfast. As usual, my parents were busy talking about business and such.

"Good morning  sweetie." both of my parents greeted. I smiled at them, "Good morning mom, dad." I greeted back and sat down continuing to eat my breakfast.

"Miss Yue, your lunchbox is ready." one of our maid gave me my lunchbox. "Thank you." I said and finished eating my food.

"Oh? Who's that guy over there?" the maids started gathering and looking out. My mother walked over, "Now, now, back to work. I'll take a look." mom said casually.

I heard the door open, "Oh, hello there! Were you waiting for my daughter Yue?" mom said from afar.

"Good morning madame, ah, yes we're walking to school together." that voice.. Oikawa?

"Sweetheart! A handsome guy wants to walk to school with you!" she exclaimed.

I made my way to the door and yeap, it was the grand King himself.

"Oikawa, you didn't really have to." I said infront of my mother. "Honey that's rude of you to say such thing." my mom said and left, but she gave a wink before leaving us.

I closed the door behind and stared at Oikawa, he is tall. Very tall. I'm only about 164cm and he's like... I don't know? I assume 184cm?

I gave him the bag that has his sweater. "Here. Thank you for lending your sweater to me." I said as we started walking to school. "Hmm, I thought you would've kept it forever." he teased.

"Why would I keep your sweater?" I replied bluntly. "Not every girl has the chance to borrow my sweater. I barely give anyone. Except Iwa-chan." he replied cheerfully.

"Look, you're going to get caught if you don't wear your sweater." Oikawa added. I turned to him, "That's your sweater." I emphasized. Oikawa pointed at his sweater that he's using. "And I'm wearing my sweater." he emphasized back.

"Fine." I said as Oikawa took out his sweater from the bag and handed it to me. I removed my blazers and wore his sweater halfway going to school.

His cologne smells good. "Your mind says my cologne smells good right?" Oikawa teased. I rolled my eyes. "That's not true." I replied.

As we were talking, we arrived at the school's gate and every girl eyed me sharply. They gave death glares. "Um, I should probably go—" Oikawa grabbed my hand. He leaned over, "You're going to do this with me everyday until we graduate." he whispered as he looked around.

"But that would be fake and the girls would kill me. They love you Oikawa, the girls in our school clearly goes wild." I said to him. He smirked, "You have me. They'll listen to the grand king." he said.

I rolled my eyes and groaned, "We're not even in the same class, don't you get it?" I said and let my hand go from him.  I could feel Oikawa followed close behind me, meanwhile girls around me were ready to pounce in and beat me up.

"Hi Oikawa-san!" few group of girls greeted him and made him stop following me. "Not now beautiful, bye!" I heard him say and I walked my way to class.

As I was going up the stairs...those three flipped my books. "What are you playing at? Play pretend with the grand king? So your ass could be saved from us?" again with the threatening.

I kept quiet. "Oh? What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? I knew she'd play pretend with Oikawa. How many times do we have to tell you, you aren't worthy of him." Hara said as she played with my hair.

I kneeled down to pick up my books.


She did not just step on the same hand again... It's swollen real bad and now it's cracked? Have I broken a bone?

"Yue!" Iwaizumi and Oikawa yelled in sync. I looked behind and saw them running towards me.

The three girls backed away. Oikawa stepped forward, "Oh? Hello beauty, I know you're jealous that I'm dating Yue."

Oikawa!! We're not dating!!

Meanwhile Iwaizumi was helping me with my books and the teacher happened to passed by. "What's all this? What happened? Yue your hand!" the teacher was worried.

"It's nothing sensei. Thank you Iwaizumi." I thanked him and ran to the infirmary with my books on the other arm.

I couldn't feel anything, my left hand was completely numb and swollen. "Yue! Who did this to you?" the teacher asked worriedly.

"No one, I'm just clumsy." I replied. The door slid open, Oikawa leaned against the door. "Ah, Oikawa, why are you here?" the teacher asked.

"Came to see Yue." he replied calmly and crossed his arms over.

Once the bandage was done, I walked out of the infirmary with Oikawa. "Give me your books." he said as he took them from me.

"You're so dumb, how long are you going to keep up with this bullying?" he stopped and bent down on eye level with me. I stared down, "You're not my boyfriend. You don't know what I've been through." I replied.

I grabbed the books back from him and silently went to class. People were staring at me. I sat down and calmly tried to settle down.

-Oikawa's POV-
Yue still doesn't get the fact that I'm taking interest in her.

And why is she even letting people bully her? Isn't she an elite student like me? Or did she purposely did this to surprise people?

I mean, she's an ace student. She's intelligent, I always notice her name whenever exam results came out.

"Oi, Oikawa." Iwa-chan snapped his fingers infront of me. "What?" I asked. "Gosh, you weren't even listening!" he groaned.

"Sorry, what was it you were talking about?" I asked again. Iwa-chan got annoyed and hit me with his book. "Shittykawa." he said. "Hey!" I exclaimed.

I wonder if Yue's doing alright...

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