Chapter 25 - Ouran Fair

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Warning: Bad Language

<Hoshiko's POV>
Kaivo and I's parents called. They want us to go back to go somewhere in the next few days to find a man to marry and all that stuff. Kaivo and I are going to go to England. But it's after the Ouran fair and stuff. So... we have enough time to say goodbye.
Honey poked me which interrupted my thoughts.
Honey: "Are you okay Hoshi-chan???"
Hoshiko: "I'm fine."
I smiled sweetly, and they seemed to buy it. I just... didn't think it'd end this fast. Our parents had rejected this decision since the beginning. But through huge amounts of begging and pleading we've managed to persuade them. But now we have to say good bye. Sigh.
I am not ready for this. We've been to these kinds of things, but... it feels different this time.
Random people started talking to Kaivo and I so, we started to talk. And... Kyoto, being he egoist that she is, was socializing like no other. That's the famous Oguri daughter for you. But, all in all. We've all turned into our goodie goodie modes.
"Hello, Assistant Headmaster." Kaivo and I said to our Uncle. We was a much sweeter man than our mother and father. So we had grown close to him.
Uncle: "Thank you. It's lovely to have you girls here."
It felt good. To know someone in you family...cares... Of course Kaivo and I have been with each other to no end. But... out Uncle... was the only other family meme bet who made us feel good about ourselves.
<Kyoto's POV>
Yeah. My own Mother had slapped me. So did Kyoya's father to Kyoya. The two had abruptly hated the Hostess and Host club. You see why I don't want to go. Ever.
Mother: "This ridiculous club you are in!"
I can't fight back. She's my mother.
Kyoto: "Gomen'nasai."
Haruhi looked shocked.
My Mother, Kyoya's Father, and Tamaki's Father. Started talking. Renge's right. Tragedy. Past. Yes, that's what made me become an egoist.
Hostess & Host Club: "Kyoto! Kyoya!"
Kyoto: "It's okay. I expected that from my family."
I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose.
Kyoto: "I have to get going."
<Layla's POV>
Kyoto... We've been friends for as long as I could remember. And you never told me?
"Do you want to take over, Tamaki. We always have Layla..."
My uncle looked at me. I sighed. My mother and father had gone missing. My aunt is missing somewhere. And I don't know how to even take care of myself without Tamaki's family. The doors opened. And there came our grandmother. The one who had put my parents somewhere. Am I the only one that hates her guts in this family! We both ran to her anyways.
"Do not touch me, both of disgust me."
It broke my heart a little. Knowing that she knew where my parents were and that I may never know what happened to them if she dies. So I acted the kindest to her. All the time. Just like Tamaki. I hated her guts for taking away my family. Just because they were on Tamaki's mother's side of family. But she didn't get rid of me.
Grandma: "Eclair-San. Come over here please."
Oh hello bitch.
Grandma: "You are to escort her Tamaki. And you are to become friends, Layla."
Whatever. I won't become friends with this chick anyways. I hate her guts. I hate my grandmother's guts. They make me act so coldly and I hate that.
I have to be this girl's friend. Whatever. I can pull off being in love with boys, I can pull this off.
<Hatsu's POV>
I hope my parents don't come. I hope none of them come. None of them. I don't like Éclair. I've met her before. And I don't like her. And I know why she's here. But I won't tell anyone. Not until the time is right. I've been quiet for awhile and Honey has started asking me what's wrong.
Hatsu: "It's nothing, Mistukuni."
Honey: "Okay."
<Layla's POV>
Okay biatch why do you wanna see my cousin play the piano? What're you going to do. And why can't I just stand up?! I don't want to sit on the same couch as HER. And they start talking about stuff I don't really care about. And then she started talking shit about the Host Club. But I won't interfere with their conversation. I mean...what can I do? Then the door opened.
Layla: "Oh thank god Haruhi it's you."
Eclair: "Tamaki belongs to me right now."
You wish -_-. Then she started saying how Haruhi might be jealous, and bitch I don't care. Can this Eclair chick NOT ruin my life right now. And then Tamaki went all sparkly because he thinks Haruhi is jealous.
Then Haruhi went out.
Layla: "I should get going."
Eclair: "You can't."
Layla: "Fine." Bitchhhhh. And then she pinned Tamaki to the couch. I fucking knew this bitch has his mom. I fucking knew it. Why would a bitch like her. Want to- actually any bitch like her can do this.
<Hatsu's POV>
Yes, Haruhi looks adorable. But its not going to end well. I'm being forced to go to Australia. To find a betrothed. And suppose to "carry on" with my life. No. Moriko is coming with me though. Layla's going to France, for God knows why. Kyoto is already stuck with Kyoya, but she's moving to California. In all truth. The Hostess club will be breaking up... after the Ouran Fair. But then Haruhi had asked why Tamaki and Layla's grandmother is so cold to them.
Hatsu: "I thought Layla-chan already told you..."
Haruhi: "No...not really."
Hatsu: "Oh...okay then."
Then we told the story about Tamaki and Layla's Parents. How Tamaki was forced to leave for Japan. How Layla's parents had to go to France. How Layla lost them at the age of 12. How Tamaki lost his mother at 14. And are never allowed to see each other again.
Kyoya: "Currently her whereabouts are unknown."
That's when I kicked the table, and they looked at me.
Hatsu: "Gomen'nasai."
Moriko: "Michiko. Lets go to the bathroom."
Hatsu: "Hai..."
<Kaivo's POV>
Yes, it's true that Hatsu does know where Tamaki and Layla's parents are. Well, fuck. Here I am. Absolutely not exactly helping anyone but stand around and watch. Wait what everyone is smiling now?
<Layla's POV>
Tamaki... you're not actually going to say it are you...
Tamaki looked at me.
Layla: "Tamaki has an important announcement to make..."
Tamaki: "I have decided to marry Lady Eclair here. Further, the Host and Hostess club will be dissolved after the Ouran Fair."
You bastard. You bitch.
Tamaki: "That is all."
Hope you liked the chapter. Loves a doves y'all

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