The Bitter Silence

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It was cold damp that night. Yet thousands of parties and celebrations were going off across the globe. Voldemort has been causing terror for a long time. Britain the most. Completely destroying innovation and advancement for the once great country. Yet now he was finally defeated.

Yet in the cruelest twists of fates. A family. The Potters. Little Harry James Potter was all was left of the Ancient Noble House. Lily and James Potter, his parents, lay dead in Godric's Hallow. Their funerals being planned accordingly. Their wills sealed until Harry's eleventh birthday. Done by the Ministry.

Sirius Black, the traitor chained in Azkaban to rot. Remus Lupin left to mourn his fallen friends in his hubble. Severus Snape mourning his true loves. Regulas and Lily. They both lost their lives at the direct hands of him.

Albus Dumbledore with Minerva Mcgongall and Hagrid walk to Private Drive 4 that was secretly layered in hundreds of wards. The few knowing having some move into some of the homes of Private Drive. That being Kingsley, Fletcher and Figg. All living close by near Harry.

Albus gently places Harry on the doorstep of Private Drive 4 the house of Petunia Evans nee Dursley the sister of the late Lily Evans nee Potter. Hagrid wipes his tears gently.

"Good Luck, Harry", Albus says softly before they all head off. Leaving Harry to the hands of the Dursleys.


That was a decade ago. Ten years ago. It has been ten years since Petunia Dursley found her nephew on her doorstep. And she with her husband hate him.

Harry lives in the cupboard under the stairs. He is not aloud to speak to them unless spoken to. He does all the chores around the house since he was 3. The slightest mistake meant punishment from Uncle Vernon.

Also he cannot say his name to any of relatives without enraging them. So Boy/Freak is his name to them. But he would get daily beatings, cuttings and burnings from his relatives. Vernon making him cut himself over the severe burns that Petunia gave him on his hands.

Dudley always made it harder. He always bullied him and beat him whenever he could with his gang. Everyone in school and the kids in Private Drive were terrified of Dudley so they avoid or bully him too. Petunia made gossips on what a freak he was so no adults believed him or bullied him too.

But then there was Mundungus Fletcher, a well thought to be thief or crook. Harry disliked him. He always visited the household and meets up with Vernon at least one a month. They were best friends when he asked Vernon. He got a beating for it. They would talk business then Fletcher would leave. Vernon always looked happier or angrier after them. But mostly he looked happy. Harry could never try to find out why for that always meant that he was asking to get a very bad punishment.

Then there was Kingsley Shacklebolt who lives in Private Drive 5. Harry sees him early every morning. He's always working most of the time but when he was there. He is kind and protective. Probably due to his job. Harry notices him returning sometimes with more scars than before. So if Harry had to guess, he would say that Kingsley is a police man or detective or something of law. For he always wears neat and proper clothing at least for the standards of Vernon. Also Vermon and Petunia hold some respect for him.

Then Mrs Figgs, his babysitter when the Dursleys leave Private Drive 4. She was okay. She always gave him a healthy plate of food to eat. She is obsessed with her cats but Harry doesn't mind. They are very nice to talk to. Mrs Figgs even gave him a kitten. The Dursleys only agreed to it after Emerald wouldn't stop following him. He got a severe beating for it. Fr Enerald was the first of a couple others.

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