Amelia Bones and Emancipation

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Amelia Bones was a calm and sensible women. She is fair to everyone she has in a trial and form in the belief of justice. However only a certain few have seen her rage and fury. Trust those who sit in Azkaban with their mental health shattered beyond repair who say the rather take the kiss then face her in a rage.

Amelia calmly sat in her office as she spots a Phoenix flying at her with a determination stronger than any bird she has ever seen. She knew instantly that this was indeed a Sun Phoenix. The most ancient types and their powers completely unknown. She also senses a familiar but mothering bond. That meant that the mage of this Phoenix was a child.

Her blood began to boil. As this was all signs of something she truly despised. Child Abuse.

She cursed this crime to oblivion with her very being. Children do not choose their relatives, blood families or parents so any one of them to do this is absolutely disgusting. She was known for her protectiveness of children and harshness to child abusers. Yet no one could blame her. The ones that they did catch was only after an illegal and highly regulated curse was casted. And some cases, the damage was irreversible.

Amelia composes herself as she lets the Phoenix in and instantly starts reading the 10 parchments long letter from good friend of hers.


Amelia was downright furious. Every hair and strand on her head was raging. As without any silencing wards as she places them down for all to hear. She berates Albus Dumbledore to Tartarus.

Everyone knew who Albus Dumbledore was the magical guardian of. So to hear her curse his role in that young child's life set everyone alight in rage. Purebloods from Half-Creatures, they all rage.

Soon enough the entire department heads to a Private Drive 4 with the a Massive Mundane Police Force. Time to put an end to this.


The evidence was as bright as day when you opened the cupboard or the second guest room that was turned into a soundproof torture chamber.

The wards placed on the House were picked as the blood wards found. Kingsley had Harry sleeping with his familiars in the guest room. His familiars allowed him to be checked for spells and potions.

It allowed them to find a lot of Harry's magic blocked and suppressed with a layers of several glamour charms placed on him. Also the finding of his key stolen and many galleons moved into other vaults. Then the blasted marriage contract that practically sells Harry to the will of Ginerva(Ginny) Weasley signed by Dumbledore and Molly Weasley.

Then the fact that Dumbledore was paying the Dursleys to take care of Harry but they used that small fortune on Dudley. Then the fact that Dumbledore was going to pay Ronald Weasley to be Harry's Friend.

So within a matter of days, Harry was emancipated for it was the only way to get him out of Dumbledore's control. Harry was placed under a magical coma to rid him of the potions, spells and blocks. Also he was placed under Kingsley's care.

Soon enough he was receiving treatment in St. Mungos Children Ward. Being protected by teams of aurors round clock with his familiars, ghost friends and Kingsley by his side.

Also Kingsley bought the auditorium and started rebuilding and rewarding it. He also made the guest room that Harry slept in, his room with all of Harry's things. Kingsley kept the violin on Harry's bedside however.

Dudley moves into the care of his Aunt Marge. While Petunia and Vernon were placed in prison for life as their methods of abuse to Harry and their other crimes like Vernon being the Leader of Mafia and Petunia being a serial killer of secretly magical people.

The town of Private Drive were horrified and felt immense guilt for what had happened to Harry. Kingsley had taken in Harry so many would send letters of apologies or get well gifts and cards.

With that all being filed down in both worlds. Harry was emancipated in both. Kingsley being named a foster parent in the mundane with Kingsley being named Harry's magical guardian in the magical world.

Also one major fact being that Kingsley cut off all ties with Dumbledore. He stopped joining reunions of the Order of the Phoenix. He burned all letters sent to him from Dumbledore. He trained his team harder and made more contacts in the Wizarding Community for Harry. He restarted the rebuilding of Shacklebolt Manor. He took his lordship duties. He started building safe homes and Vacation Homes across the globe. He got him and Harry international citizenship from both worlds.

With the given evidence stacking in piles, Wizagenmot got word of this. Third Generation or aristocrat Purebloods published the evidence in Daily Prophet in their rage and anger. But some printed it to show how right Voldemort was in the war that muggles hate magic and will do anything to crush it. Or other words loyal death eaters that were never caught.

And so that marked the day where Harry fully had history's eyes trained on him and were never going to look away. Even though he was recovering in St. Mungos and was unconious at the time.

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