Ghosts and Dreams

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Sorry for long wait, guys. I was kinda struggling with story-plot. I like keep my stories unique from each other otherwise it gets repetitive and I forgot the direction as I got more other story ideas.

Harry wakes gently to see a white and silver room. He spots Hedwig, Amara, Shadow and Emerald. He spots Kingsley as Harry attempts to smile. If that was possible. He knew he could laugh but that was just a drop of emotion overpowering him. Harry tried hard but he couldn't. He didn't know how to smile truly and fully.

So instead a small smile graces his face. He checks the room seeing the I.Vs and wires on his body with their store machines. He looks at a strange monitor in the white, silver and gray room.

Harry then feels a flood of emotions that weren't his. They were many and all communicated like different people or living beings! He felt his creature and barely human family's emotions, thoughts and feelings. Then he felt others like the humans a distance away from him.

Harry could tell he was in some sort of Hospital but didn't know it's name. Harry feels many emotions some that were completely foreign to him. Harry silently curls up in the bed shaking hard as he looks for the help alarm.

Soon it was sounded as Harry then let's it out as he holds his hands over his ears trying to block out the emotions of other beings and their thoughts. And finally their pain.

The doors were ripped open by aurors and healers as they rush in to see Harry clinching his head in an agony.

There was a gifted moment of silence before the healers sprang alive for their patient who turned out to be an Empathy Mage.

Mages are what witches and wizards are as a labeled species. But some are far more gifted  at certain rare types of magic naturally.

Then there were Arch-Mages who were way more powerful and mysterious than mages. They are so rare and their powers unknown that the only way to know the Archmage's power and secrets is to either be one or know one closely.

Mages and Arch-Mages do have one thing in common however. There are certain rarity with special gifts of magic and abilities. Arch-Mages are known for each one having their own special set of power while the Mages have a certain few with abilities.

For example, Empathy Mages. These mages are heavily connected to empathy magic, nature magic and soul magic. They are known for being able to speak to all types of creatures and species. They are able to cast soul magic and see magic as it is and see magic cores. They can also see souls.

The problem with Empathy Mages is that can they can feel the physical, emotional and spiritual pain or joy of others. Harry is a powerful one so much that he could probably feel everyone in St Mungos. Also they will feel the suffering of others as their own. The only way to stop the feeling is to ground it through Grounder Mages or put the Empathy Mage under a magical slumber.

Since Harry is still growing and his magic is. There will no way of telling the power he will hold. Also Empathy Mages are powerful healers as they hold healing magic. In fact St. Mungos is where most Empathy Mages in Britain work and live near by. As it allowed empathy mages to help each other out and live peacefully as St. Mungos remains neutral throughout all times including war.

Soon a team of Empathy and Grounder healers  rush in and calm Harry with Kingsley. They note that Harry's magic was intensely stronger than any of them combined. There was no way, Harry was a Mage. No, Harry James Potter-Shacklebolt  is an Arch-Mage for sure. Yet as the healers tested he isn't a empathy mage. He's a Soul Arch-Sage. Something that hasn't ever been seen before however they were eerily similar to Empathy mages.


Once Harry calmed, he went back to sleep due to the outburst. His magic retreating back within.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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