awkward party

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I walked into our room to be greeted by Perrie, she was doing homework from what i can see. She looked up, and smiled jumping off her bed.

"Zoe! OMG I haven't seen you in years!!!" She exclaimed. Its been like 2 days... "Yeah!" I said.

"Hey Im going to Zayn's to hang out and everyone will be there, you should come! Ill get you all glammed up and it will be so fun! So?"

I nodded "eh what the heck.."

Oh boy was I going to regret this..


I was now ready dressed in a tight crop top and a pair of high waisted jeans. My hair was down hanging down to my butt Not my normal attire but Perrie dressed me and she looked so happy so I just went with it.

"AH! Zo you look so hot!!"

I nodded, she was dressed in a crop top and a skater skirt. Her hair in a high pony.

We then walked out the building going to her car. It took like 5 minutes to get there. It looked like a frat house, judging from the couches in the lawn and beer bottles laying in the grass. great..

We walked up the steps of the house and knocked on the door.

Harry answered and just looked at us and let us in.

"Zayn your girlfriend is here."

Right as he said that Zayn came from around the corner and perrie ran into his arms like they haven't seen each other in years.

Harry was gone and when I looked to see if Perrie and Zayn were there they weren't... great. Im having so much fun so far.

I heard some voices towards the back of the house so I walked to them and saw, Dani, Liam, Amy, Louis, Perrie, Zayn, Jessy and Niall. I was pretty good at remembering names.

Harry was no where in sight nor was his girlfriend Ella.

I sat by Perrie as they were talking, Jessy was sitting next to me.

"Hey Zoe i didn't get to formally introduce myself. Im Jessy, this ones girlfriend." She smacked Niall on the chest.

"Hi!" I said quietly.

Then Harry walked in with a beer and sat down on a chair by Liam.

I guess I was staring for too long because he looked at me, I couldn't tell what the look was but I dont think it was good.

I looked down at my lap feeling awkward again.

"Alright Im bored lets play truth or dare!" Niall shouted. Everyone nodded and got in a circle.

"Ok, Ill start, hmm" Niall rubbed his chin. "Liam. Truth or dare?"

"Dare." He challenged.

"I dare you too.." He looked around. "Chug a glass of vodka in 1 minute." He shrugged like it was no big deal.

Niall got some vodka and handed it to Liam, sure enough he did it. With out any trouble. What the heck..

"Louis! Truth or dare"

"Dare!!" He yelled. I almost covered my ears.

"I dare you to kiss Niall."

Louis smirked, "Come er daddy" Niall craweled over and Louis kissed his smack dab on the lips.

"Yes, they are normally this weird." Jessy whispered to me. I giggled and looked as the two boys separated. Niall winked at louis and Amy and jessy laughed.

"Alright Harold!! Truth or dare."

"truth." Harry said.

"party pooper!" Louis stuck his tongue out.

"Have you ever pissed your pants?"

Harry nodded, "Yeah at the movies once"

"Ugh this game is boring! Lets go Jes." Niall grabbed Jessy and left the room.

I then noticed that Zayn and Perrie were basically swapping spit next to me and Liam and Dani and Louis and Amy the same.

Ive never felt so uncomfortable...

Harry just sighed and closed his eyes.

Everyone seemed to be occupied so i got up and told perrie I was walking home she just nodded. What a friend..

I sighed and walked out of the room, I was at the door about to leave when someone said my name. "Zoe!" i turned around to see Harry.

"Ill drive you home." I just nodded wanting to get out of there.

He walked to his car and I got in the other side he started the engine and it roared to life.

I sat back and looked out the window, there was music slowly playing in the background. I slowly drifted off..


"Zoe!" Someone shook me awake. "Zoe wake up we are here" I shot up and look at who was talking to me. It was Harry. "Oh sorry, thanks for the ride." I quickly scrambled out of the car and stopped by Harry grabbing my arm.

"Are you okay?" He looked at me.

"Yeah yeah.. I-i'm sorry. I have to go"

I scrambled out of the car to my dorm. Oh my gosh that was embarrassing..


Im such a terrible writer omg.. haahhaahha

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