new school

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Zoe's P.O.V

I sighed as I packed the last of my things into my suitcases. I heard a Knock on my door, I turned around to see my father enter with a sad smile on his lips.

"Zo." He choked out and tears fell down his face.

I felt the tears building up in my own eyes. I quickly walked over to my Dad and have him a huge hug.

"Daddy, please don't cry"

He sniffled and pulled away.

"I'm not sweetie, I just.. Your just.." he stopped mid sentence and recomposed himself.

"You'll always be daddy's girl? Right honey?" I chuckled and nodded.

"Of course dad, I love you"

He nodded "I love you too Zo Zo"

"Dadddd." I dragged out. "Don't call me that"

He chuckled, "Well you have a flight to catch.. So let's go darling." I nodded as he walked over to my bed and grabbed my suitcases and I grabbed my other bags then we headed off to the airport.

My dad's been a mess ever since mom died a few months ago, he would cry a lot. I was always there for him. He was my best friend and nobody could ever take his place. I looked over at him to see him staring at me smiling.

"I'm so proud of you sweetie" I giggled,

"Thanks dad." He smiled and we continued our way to the airport.

Once we arrived my dad gave me a huge hug and whispered in my ear.

"Please be safe? Ok?" I nodded.

"Always have always will daddy." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Goodbye Zo, I'll miss you" I smiled and waved back at him.

"Bye Dad! I'll miss you more!"

I walked to the entrance and did all the security stuff and was off to my gate. I noticed there was a lot of people by the gate..

The flight was packed, ugh great.


We finally landed in Manchester, it was a LONG flight. I sighed as I went to baggage claim, I luckily got all my bags here without losing one! Yay!

I walked out the doors of the airport to be hit by a gusty cold wind.

Br! This is nothing like Los Angeles! I pulled my coat tighter around me and I waved a taxi down. He stopped and got out to help with my bags. I got in the car and told him the destination. My dad had already got me a dorm and all my textbooks to. He's such a pal.

Crap! I was suppose to call him when I landed. I quickly pulled out my cell and scrolled though my contacts looking for "Dad" I found it and called him.

After 3 rings his voice sounded through the phone.

"Hello? Zoe?"


"Zoe thank god I thought you were hurt, or dead oh god if you were died I wou-"

"Dad! I'm okay I'm alright I'm in a cab right now on my way to the uni right now."

"Ok well I got to go, time differences.. Bye honey I love you. Talk to you soon."

"Bye dad I love you too"

I heard the phone go dead, so I hung up and put it back in my bag.

After 1 long hour in the car we finally got there

"We have arrived miss that'll be
130 pounds."

"All I have is American dollars.."

"That's alright, I will take that as well"

"O-ok" I took out the money and handed it to him. I stutter when I'm around people I don't know, or if I'm nervous around them I do
too. I smiled and he waved goodbye. Then I was left alone in front of this huge school, with nobody.


(Ok I have no clue how college works so I made like this whole check in thing up.. Cause I have no idea what the heck you do so yeah..)

I walked up to what I think was the main building, i walked in and saw a lady at a desk with her dirty blonde hair pulled back into a tight bun. She looked about 40 or late 30's. She smiled at me and asked.

"May I help you?"

I nodded

"Yeah I'm new here, uh. I'm not really sure where to g-go.."
I said quickly she nodded.

"May I see your registration form?

I handed her the form and she looked over it and nodded clicking away at her computer.

"Your in building 32, room 301."

I nodded and thanked her grabbing my stuff and my registration form, heading to building 32.

Once I was there I took the elevator to the top floor which was 3 stories tall. I walked down the long hall and finally reached my room. It was at the very end, yay! (Sarcasm)

I opened the door and saw it was empty but there was stuff every where. It was neat but it looked like somebody else lives here too. Great I'm just such a people pleaser..

The room was nice and big, there were two beds with a table in between them and on the side walls were bathrooms, one on each side. I saw that one of the beds was open so I set my stuff down and unzipped my suitcase, I started to unpack all my clothes and other stuff.

"Hey!" I preppy voice said from behind my back, I jumped and turned around holding my chest.

"Hi! I'm Perrie! What's your name?"

I was still in shock from her sudden out burst but managed to say my name. "Z-Zoe"

"Oh my gosh! Such a cute name! You really pretty by the way!" I smiled small at her.

"T-thanks." I said it really quietly I doubt she heard.

"Ah, so your the quiet type huh?" I chuckled nervously.

"Yeah.., I guess I-I am.."

"Well you'll come out of your shell sooner or later."

I nodded not really knowing what to say.

"So tell me about youself Zoe." She smiled sitting on her bed as stood unsure where to go.

"Come over here, I don't bite!"

I chuckled quietly and sat at the foot of her bed. "Soo tell me!"

I already liked this girl a lot. I think we will be good friends..


A/N: Hey every one! Kinda a short chapter, sorry they wouldn't all be this short. I just cut this one off and I'll make a longer one next chapter. So I deleted my other story because I didn't really like the way it was going so I decided to make a new story, a punk harry. Oooo. There gonna be lots of drama! Lots! Haha anyways goodbye my little turtles! ;)

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