Part 21

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When you get to the doctor's office that afternoon, one thing becomes clear: the nurses thought Reid was cute. He stepped out for a minute to take a call from Hotch and the nurse was all over asking where you found him.

You thought about using the "on the steps of the FBI" bit that Rossi loved to use, but you didn't think he was up for that.

"Work." you tell him honestly."

"They don't hire men like that here." he snorts.

"We're lucky to have him on our team." You say, adding "I'm lucky to have him."

Reid returns just as the nurse leaves.

"Hey, what did Hotch want?" you ask.

"Just asking how I'm feeling. Well, that and he's making me get another physical before I'm cleared for the field again."

"So I've got thirty seconds before he calls me?"

"More like fifteen."

Your cell rings within ten seconds. You tell Hotch you're at an appointment currently. He makes you promise to get a copy of your chart, which you agree to and silently hope he's not going to make you jump through any hoops to get back into the field.

The doctor who was on call does a full comparison from your last visit and declares you good to go after she chews you out for needing to gain more weight each week(throwing up most of what you eat is apparently not an excuse). You tuck the print out of the nurse and doctor's notes into your bag and head home.

You and Reid go separate ways for the evening and you head inside your apartment to fall into a nap. You wake up at 6:30 to Reid shaking your shoulder.

"Hey, have you eaten yet?"

You flop back down into your pillows.

"Spencer, I'm just barely under the target weight gain. I'm perfectly fine."

You swing your legs over the edge of the bed and stand. Grabbing Reid's hand, you pull up your top and place his hand on your lower stomach.

You had planned on making a snarky comment, but realizing this was the first time he was feeling your tiny bump, you settle for saying "She's doing just fine."

"Just promise me you'll make sure you're eating enough, okay?" his voice is a bit hushed, given how close the two of you are standing. He keeps his hand where you placed it, even stroking his thumb along your bump.

It occurs to you that you've got an appetite for something else entirely.

You turn your head up to look into his eyes as he puts his other hand on your waist. You move one of yours hands on top of his on your stomach. Your sharp inhale when his hand flexes a little under yours gives you away. He leans into you and your lips meet. You grab onto the collar of his shirt and bring him down onto your bed with you. Your lips find his neck as you start to unbutton his shirt.

That's when you realize you've got no plan.

"This isn't what we agreed to." you say breathlessly, pulling back.

He looks a little dazed from your hard work, but when he snaps back to reality, he swallows thickly and replies "No, this wasn't the plan."

Neither of you move.

"An oxytocin release is good for the baby." you prompt, unwillingly to shut this down, no matter how many times your brain screams that this isn't what friends do.

"Do you own a vibrator?" he asks, in a similarly out of breath tone.

Hoping he isn't about to tell you to deal with yourself, you tell him "second drawer from the top", nodding to your nightstand.

He leans over to open the drawer, and it takes him a moment to find it at the back of the drawer. The hyper realistic ones have always wigged you out, and now that Spencer Reid is holding your vibrator, you're particularly glad you went with the least phallic looking that you could find- just a smooth, mint green exterior.

He sits up and starts to get himself out of his clothes, raising his brows at you, asking you to do the same. You only feel a little smug seeing that he's already half hard from kissing you.

Reid lays on his back, slightly propped up by your pillows.

"Come 'ere" he waves you over. His hands on your hips guide you to straddle just above his hips.

"Lay back, I got you." he says, and you follow suit. You have to lean you head to the side a bit to fall back onto his shoulder, but after a moment of adjusting, you're laid out on your back on top of him comfortably.

He starts with just his hands, teasing your tits that have started to get more sensitive (unfairly early, in your opinion-not that your body will listen). From there, his left hand rests along the outer curve of your bump. His right finds your clit. He takes his time there, and it's an interesting combination of teasing and relaxing. It's sexy, but also comforting, to be held like this.

After a minute, he pauses to confirm that you're alright, as if you hadn't been moaning along. With your confirmation, he briefly moves his hands to your hips and pulls you further up, so that your neck and shoulder are accessible to him. It's a display of the strength he's developed over time at the BAU and you're all for it, feeling a fluttering in your lower stomach that doesn't have a shot in hell of being your baby moving.

He kisses along your neck, even sinking a bite into your shoulder. By the time he bites, he's full on rubbing your clit with slow circles.

You'd almost forgotten the vibrator at the point when you hear the tiniest buzz click on.

"Tell if there's something you want me to do differently." you nod in confirmation, knowing your words would come out a bit shaky now.

It's odd to have somebody else use your vibrator on you. There's only so much experimenting you do with it once you find what works, so experiencing the various settings all over again with him in charge is more fun than you'd expected.

Once he figures out the setting that gets you moaning and starts applying pressure to your clit, you both know it's only a matter of time. His attention goes to the sensitive skin below and behind your ear. Your orgasm rolls through you before long.

After, you sit up a bit. From your spot on top, you hadn't been able to see his dick, but now you know he was rock hard from getting you off. Since he's nearly there, you don't bother trying to switch things up. Using your own slick, you lean forward and use your hands to spread it on his cock. You pause for a moment to find where he's still got the vibrator in his hand. You turn it to the lowest setting. You warm up for a moment, sliding one hand up and down his shaft before cautiously teasing the head with the vibrator. He cums moments later with a moan you wish you had an eidetic memory for.

You both bask in the post orgasm feeling for a minute. Then, you climb off of him and find a hair tie on your dresser.

Beginning to put yourself back together, you turn to where he is still lying on your bed, looking fucked out.

"So, what were you thinking for dinner?" you grin.

a/n: here, i have written smut for you all as an apology for scaring you all with the last few chapters. also because the next few chapters are going to be bumpy.

i had so much to say here. i had statistics about vibrators;. i had thoughts and i even had feelings but i am going to be real with you all its a saturday night and i had some white wine and i longer believe words exist. i love u all my beautiful babes ty for 4k i shall see u all tomorrow maybe unless my differential eq homework is really hard in which case ill see u on monday i think


EDIT: well its sunday and im sober now. my vibrator statistic is that 53% of women between 18 and 60 have used one! im all for it lol i bought another at the start of quarantine it and has served honorably
much like the end of an episode, id like to put a quote here
"My love for you is 98 percent pure, but the two percent that remains has fried the circuits in my brain." -The Mountain Goats

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