Part 23

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Week eleven came and went. Week twelve came, and on the thursday of that week, you caught JJ staring at you with an odd look on her face. You didn't realize why until you caught yourself in the bathroom mirror later. It's mid april, so you've finally ditched the layers. Today you've gone with black slacks and a solid light blue blouse- no patterns, no ruffles, no funny business. Without any distractions, it's easy to see that your top doesn't fit like normal. Of course JJ would be the first to notice that it's not a normal weight gain. She managed to hide her pregnancy into her second trimester, so clearly she was far better at it than you.

You had planned to announce this week anyways, but when it came time to actually decide how to do it, every option just sounded flat out awkward. You didn't want to tell everybody at once, or individually. You considered telling just JJ and Garcia and letting gossip spread, but that would probably just make the whole baby-daddy-reid part even more confusing.

But now you were starting to truly show. Not only that, but you were lucky you hadn't gotten a new case yet. The odds were you would be getting one soon, and you really didn't want to be stuck on a plane telling everybody.

When people start to break for lunch, you shoot Spencer a text telling him not to leave yet. Once Prentiss finally wanders off, you walk about to Reid's desk and lean back against it, putting your palms on the top of the desk.

"Hey." he smiles up at you.

You smile back. After taking a second to make sure the team isn't around, you take a deep breath.

"I think JJ knows."

"What makes you say that?"

"She was giving me a weird look earlier, and I think this top sort of shows it." His eyes flicker down to your bump briefly.

"Has she brought it up?"

"Not yet."

"Maybe she didn't actually notice anything? Sometimes people make faces when they're lost in thought." he offers.

"Even if she didn't, I'm twelve weeks along. We should probably tell people before the next case." You run a hand through your hair. "I have no idea how."

"What about an email?"

"You want me to email the people we consider family to tell them we're having a baby? You don't even have an email, Spencer."

"It's less awkward than us going around and telling everybody together, isn't it? We can just sign it from both of us."

"You're ready for everybody to know the full story?" you ask.

"It's good news. I want people to know." he confirms.

You spend most of your afternoon mulling over it while you finish logging recent consulting cases. Eventually, you decide to bite the bullet and type it out.

"SUBJECT: Addition to the team

Hi all-

Hotch has given me the green light to announce we're going to take on a new recruit later this year. We expect her to start on November 6th, give or take a few weeks. She would set a record for the youngest member to join the team, but Henry has beaten her to it. Reid and I are both taking time off of the unit to train her, and we'll have more details closer to her arrival.

Looking forward to sharing more with you,

Y/n and Spencer."

There. It's not overly cutesy, but it's still got some life in it. You're certain Garcia will have plenty to say about it, so there's really no need to go overboard with details.

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