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Just like how everything has a genesis, I grew up as innocent as a kitten and as feeble-minded as a baby.
Knowing things that run the world was like saying hello to painkillers. Some things were just too complicated to understand and too matured to ask a matured adult.

Well, that's Africa for you.
Questions were the only things I was about. Everyone thought that this little kid was too nerdy and abnormal to be mingling with.
Then another question popped up.

Why do people think about some people in the wrong way? Why can't they understand who I am and stop assuming preposterous things?

I would feel like I've lost a wire up there if I just wake up one day and call someone something else they're not, just because I think so.

Sometimes I wish I didn't have ears to listen to their bullshit!
Urgh, they're more annoying than a 70 year old grandma in her menopausal stage.

Is Africa the only place where people do this? If yes, someone should get me a visa.

Thinking about other peoples views made me wonder if I myself am crazy.
It's kind of weird being the only one who thinks about these things when majority calls it a 'no biggie'.

Maybe they're right. I am all that they called me but I just can't accept that.
The question I should be asking is 'why do I think of myself in the wrong way?'
Why can't I understand who I am and stop assuming preposterous things?

Things are getting more messed up in my mind.
Someone to call me 'crazy' could have been using his/her dictionary upside down all along.
I'm not crazy, neither am I 'mentally hilarious'.
I am who I am, and I want people to comment me for that...I want myself to comment me for that.

Argh!! Why do thoughts always bounce back at me?! Someone give me a pill.
If I stay this way any longer mom would look at me with a 'what the f- word' face and wonder if I'm alright.

Am I even alright, cause I've been talking to myself from the begining.

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