~ No one cares ~

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A/N: Hello birdies 🐥💚, the whole week passed with well fed content from everyone.

For one, we have Yixing, Jackson, Yibo and Wallace sharing a stage in SDC3. Am drooling over their lovely interactions!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Also, Jackson's Fendi shoot and Vivo Ad left me spellbound. Wang Jiaer Jiayou!!

Also, there's Youngjae on Idol radio giving out boyfriend vibes while Actors Jinyoung's on the rise. Them Bambam out there in the gym trying to choke us with those muscular arms. Damnn 🤤🤤🤤

JB putting up 18 thumbs up on his story and Mark with 18 selfies... 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Your POV

It's been two days since am trying hard to get everyone on my team on the same page.

But no.



I respect the fact that every individual is unique and they are entitled to their opinions but what the bloody heck! I am a human too. I have been making changes in my schedule to comfort their undisciplined asses and guess who acknowledged it?


No one gave a flying fuck as to how their reports with missing or expired data, outdated information and grammatical errors turned out to be commendable reports because their so called leader had to skip breakfast/lunch to do it. And thanks to their unbothered attitude, I am competing with Pandas on who has darker circles around their eyes. Jk!

But yeah...get it?

Well no one gets me. Huh :/

I couldn't take it anymore. So I did what all people in higher positions do. I decided to utilise my power.

I called all of them in and gave them instructions, more like warned them to get back in line and come up with the presentation according to the theme of our project.

Do brainstorming together or whatever, I need it done the next day. Then they dispersed, probably cursing me under their breath.

And as I turned around to take my file and leave, my leg decided to kiss the darn table and a shooting pain erupted through it.

Definitely cursed!

Dumpling and I were enjoying the lunch together when she mentioned the incident about Youngjae's live that occured. (a/n: I know it's old but for story's sake and also because I love the sunshine alot :* )

I stared at her with widened eyes as she narrated how a person had commented that he looked fat and needs to stop eating. I couldn't believe how people are so free that they decide to trouble someone else. Like hello there, that ain't yout body nor your money. So just piss off. I mentally decided to check up on him and boys since everyone was neck deep in their schedules.

I worked over time since that Jerkface was also gonna attend the meeting tomorrow to check our progress. I heavily sighed. Those lessons in project management were shittier in real life.

POV end.

Jackson's POV

We started our hunt for the clues. What a better time than to go on a hiking trail other than this. Don't get me wrong, at first I was pessimistic about hiking until she came into my life.


Y/n was super excited about it and I didn't have the heart to reject her surprise trail. And it actually turned out to be a beautiful surprise. My most memorable trail ever.

I learned how she could spot different birds and identify them when I was clueless that even such cute, smaller than a palm bird exist. She also told me to be careful of certain weeds that cause itchiness. Those plants were one of the reasons I dreaded walking in a forest. I don't blame myself for watching those videos where people ended up with swelling because they messed with Poison Ivy. And I was more than happy when I could recognize some birds, I mean why not. They're the same everywhere right? They can just fly.

/FB end/

Oh how I envy their freedom to fly to wherever they please and be with whoever they want without giving a damn about the society. Precious Mother Nature!

I focused back and I was glad as Lucas and Yuju were able to track the 2nd clue. Meanwhile the other team was catching up and the commentary of the MCs were on. MC Yoo Jae Suk shi was with us. And should I tell you a secret? Well he may not have slightly coughed louder when we were about to go away from the clue. Well, he coughed cause he was allergic to dust. But guys, don't cheat in exams and especially on people! That's so not cool.

There was a loud siren blaring through the megaphone. It meant both teams were at par, and now there was a timer set since the last clue unlocked the prize.

First come, first win baby!

Here I Come.

I mean 'we' as in My Team comes.

POV end.

Your POV

I was awakened by the sudden ringing on my phone. I groaned as the light almost blinded me, rubbing my eyes I tried to focus on the caller name flashing.

Gyeomie 🌼
Accept | Decline


"Noona, mianhe...for calling you at this time but I wanted to know if Youngjae hyung contacted you anytime today?"

"What?? What are you talking about ? It's 3am right now and you're asking about Jae? Wait is he not with you guys?"

"Aa-ahh if he's not then I have to go. I will call you later. Gotta go, byee. Sleep well."

"Yah gyeomie wai-"

Call ended.

Needless to say, my sleep was nowhere to be found.

POV end.

To be continued...

Ferris wheel ♡ Jackson Wang | Completed ✔️Where stories live. Discover now