~ Boy-Friend ~

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A/N: Stream Pretty please ✓

Italics is Mr. Kim.
Also this is a picture of Mr. Kim since I have mentioned his POV alot.


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Your POV

To say I was shocked was one thing and the fact that my own team member planned a trap for me was another. Like what am I supposed to do? Get angry and slap that bitch who did me dirty or worry about that business party thingy. Of course I had to sort out with that woman, but maybe after we both calmed down a bit. Because I probably wanted to smack her in the head. The whole day passed by in a daze. I was preparing to leave when a Mr. Kim stood in front of me smiling as if- wait? What? I am calling him by his real name and not Jerkface.


I guess he may a teeny tiny bit considerate after what happened. I broke out of my reverie when I felt a cold hand pressed on my temple. I flinched at that sudden touch, only to realise it was Mr. Kim.

"Uhmm sorry to shock you. Just wanted to know if your fever was down."

"y-yeah Mr. Kim, no worries. Actually about that, I wanted to thank you for helper me the other night."

"It's my duty to look after my colleagues isn't it? And it's Shinjae."


"Well, my name. You can call me Shinjae when we're together. No need to be formal."

"Oo-ohkay. Right Mr.. aahh. Shinjae ssi~ "

"So, how about we catch up dinner together?"

"Huh?! Dinner?.. together?!"

"Yeah, I wanted to properly apologize for my behavior. As a boss, I was listen to your side too but I got carried away. I visited you to say it in person but your boyfriend said you were sleeping. So I didn't disturb."

What the actual fuck?! He freaking visited my house! How does he know my address.

Duh, he helped me with dumpling.
And where did my boyfriend come from. Jackson is busy shooting overseas. Did he see our pictures by any chance. But how come I not know where did he see.


How did he enter if I was asleep O.o
Ohh shit.. Markiepooh.

He saw Mark but didn't recognise him? I mean thank the lord. But if I tell him yes then he will ask to meet Mark for sure. And he didn't even tell me that my boss was on a visit. Heck I don't even know what they talked about. My mind was going all sorts of crazy.

Suddenly a finger snapped me out of my dazed state. Ooh he's still here, gotta answer him something. Let's just pretend I didn't hear the boyfriend part.

"Actually I have plans, if you don't mind."

"Ohh must be your date night. Am sorry to interrupt you again. But if you don't mind, I would like to meet your boyfriend someday."

"Ohh nothing of that sort. He's a boy who's just a friend. Nothing like what you're thinking. How about lunch tomorrow?"

"Lunch? Yeah sure, no problem. I will text you the address. Then let me take your leave now."


I stood there dumfounded for the umpteenth time today. Then shook my head and reached back home.
I googled about the business party and turns out it was uber luxury with exclusivity written all over it. I still couldn't digest the fact that I landed that big of an opportunity. I need to go shopping for a dress that may cost me my annual salary. I sighed, gulping the leftover noodle soup with a slurp!

GC [ Chaotic Kids ]
D: Shake it & shake it for me

I got invited to a super luxurious
business party event
and I need help.

pArtYYyy !!!!

Sunshine ☀️:
Congrats Noona~

MommyJr 🍑:
If it is a formal event, you gotta be particular with dress code and all. And child, you've Madeleine me proud! 😘

Bummie 😺:
Good to hear that. Also, you gotta learn basic etiquettes. Those events are energy draining.

Let's go shopping!!

Markiepooh 🐻🧡:
Nvm the old 🐈 talking.
Go socialize 🥂

Gyeomie 🌼:
What party is this?

Gyeom-ah, I need your help. They have an event followed by the dancing ball.

And I can't dance that way.
Teach me, pretty please?!
(a/n: you see what I did there? PS Go stream Jackson's new MV)

Gyeomie 🌼:
How many days for the countdown?


Bambi 🦌:

Chill bambi...
I was gonna ask your help for shopping anyway.
You da best fashionista in here!

MommyJr 🍑:
Don't boost his ego
You'll never hear the end of it

Do send in your schedules
So I know when to drop by and bother you.

Sunshine ☀️:
You don't bother us Noona!

Bummie 😺:
Stop with the drama
You're welcome here anytime!
Now go to sleep everyone
I don't need 🐼 around me.

POV end

Jackson's POV

They held a meeting again, rearranging our routes and the show format a little. We were also instructed about shooting teasers and trailers. We were given instructions to give spoilers in a way that didn't let them deduce the context. Guess scenery pictures it is! We were asked to rest up and moved back in after lunch.

I took the opportunity to slowly take away my phone from the manager's bag while he was asleep. I moved in the bathroom and logged into my unofficial IG account @puppy_jiaer. Well sue me, but I don't care if they consider me a fan of myself. Jk!

But I regretted my decision of stealing my phone back when the picture I saw broke my heart. Was this an answer to my letter?

So I wasn't wrong to assume that y/n finally moved on from me?! Of course, office romance had to hit it off. But then again I can't complain, can I? I left her on her own. And she didn't wait. As always, my job took away another person I ever called mine.

The oxygen is the air suddenly seemed less. I stood up with shaky feet, hands still trembling and somehow made it past the lounge to my room. I didn't want to check anything else. I turned it off and threw that phone into the my bag.

POV end.


A/N: Remember that Jackson had written a letter for y/n before he left for his tour. The thing is, she didn't read it. Saving it for some special time maybe.
But what had he stated in that letter that had him unsettled. What was being answered. And what is that photo which caused him agony.

Stay tuned to find out in the next chapter.

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