Fallen | Newt Imagine

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Request: Can I request an imagine with newt and I could be coming into the glade and he falls for me? Or something along those lines
You woken in a dark room.Your head was filled with a cloud of confusion. Questions swarmed in your my head. "Where am I?" "How did I get here?" "What's going on?" "Who am I?"

You stand up. You couldn't see anything. You could feel movement. You could tell that the room was moving upward like an elevator. You don't know why you could remember what an elevator was but you couldn't remember who you were in one with or when was the last time you were in one.

The room suddenly came to a harsh stop, sending you tumbling to the cold hard ground. You hit your head on a ground and groaned in pain as you tried to get back up but failed miserably.

An opening suddenly started to appear in the ceiling above your head. Light shinned in from the opening and blinded you. You squinted your eyes and let them get used to the light. As your eyes adjusted you could see that there were a group a people looking down at you. Before you could do or say anything someone jumped down and crouched next to you. You started to scoot your self back, away from the person until your back hit the wall.

"hey Greenie it's ok. We're not gonna hurt you." You heard them say.The person that was talking to you was a boy with short black hair and dark skin.

"How do I know I can trust you?" You reply.

He sighs and shakes his head but then he chuckles. "You have a good point. But you just have to take a chance." He then sticks out his hand, offering to help you up.

You give in and take his hand. The boy then pulls you to your feet and helps you get out the box you were in.

A group of people then started gather around you, making you nervous. You looked around and noticed that they were all boys...and one girl. They were all teenagers....kids. They were all different. Some of them were skinny, some of them were muscular, some of them had short hair, some of them had long hair. How do you know if you can trust them? What if they were the ones that sent you their? Or what if they were gonna try and kill you? Or maybe they actually wanted to help.

You grabbed a sword out of one of the boys' pocket and pointed it at the group. They all step back away from you.

"Everyone just give her some space." Says the boy that helped you. He walked up to you and made you put down the sword.

"Listen. We're not going to hurt you. I'm Alby. I'm the one in command around here and this is- wait where's Newt?" He asks and turns towards the group.

"He said he had some important work to do in the Homestead." Says an Asian boy as he walked up to you and Alby.

Alby sighs and rolls his eyes. "I'll have my friend Newt show you around and tell you everything later. For now just walk around and get used to everything but do not go outside those walls." He says and gestures to the big stone walls behind you. "And everyone just give her space for today."

After that, everyone walks off in different directions away from you and Alby. Alby puts his hand on your shoulder and nods at you before leaving to go do other things.

What was such a big deal about those walls? You start walking towards them. For some reason they interested you.

You stopped right in the gap of the walls and looked outside it. All you could see was a long giant dark hallway but nothing else. You looked around then slowly started heading towards the outside of the walls. Before you could put a foot out the opening someone put a hand on your shoulder.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." You heard someone say in a odd accent.

You turn around to see a boy with long dirty blonde hair. You had to admit that you thought he was cute.

He shakes his head "Its a long story but just don't." He puts his hand on your back and leads you away from the opening in the walls.

The feeling of him touching your back sent chills through your body.

"I don't think we've met. I'm Newt. I'm the second in command. I'm guessin your the greenie."

"I-uh hi. I would tell you my name but I don't remember it."

He smiles "that's ok. You'll eventually remember."

For some reason he made you blush.

For the rest of the day Newt showed you around what he called The Glade and told you the story about the maze and the Grievers. You thought it was absolutely crazy that people just sent you into a strange place with no memories.

As you and Newt were talking a thought suddenly popped into you're head. Not a thought, a name. Y/N

"Aye greenie you ok?" Newt asks with a confused look.



"Y/N. That's my name. My name is Y/N."

He chuckles. "Hm. Y/N. That's a very nice name."

You blush. He then looks deeply into your eyes and you looked back into his. You get lost in them. You then realize that Newt started to lean closer and closer to you. He places his lips on yours. But he then quickly pulls away.

"I-uh sorry. You're just so bloody beautiful."

You blush and giggle "Newt its ok" you then cup his face and pull his lips for yours.

"Looks like Newt has fallen for the greenie."Minho says while laughing.

You pull away and start laughing. You could see that Newt's face was bright red.

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