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Two days later

Christmas Day

Sara wakes up in the chair beside Felicity's hospital bed, releasing a soft groan. They really needed to make better chairs.

Felicity lay in the bed, her eyes half open, staring blankly at the wall. Her skin was pale and she gripped the bed sheets as a contraction ripped through her. She had a thin layer of sweat coating her skin.

"Are you okay baby?" Sara asks softly, reaching out to touch her hand.

"Merry Christmas." Felicity squeaked through clenched teeth.

"Merry Christmas." Sara responds, kissing her forehead. "Do you need me to get the doctor?"

"I've been in labor for almost two days." Felicity said tiredly. "Why is this taking so long?" She gritted her teeth as she felt another contraction. She swallowed thickly as it passed. "You should call Caitlin, wish her Merry Christmas from both of us." Her blonde hair stuck to her skin because of the light sheen of sweat coating her skin.

Kissing her forehead, Sara nods her head. "I'll be right outside."

Felicity nodded slowly, letting her eyes fall closed but not falling asleep. She prayed this baby would come soon so she could sleep. She was exhausted.

It wasn't long before Sara was back. "The doctor is coming in to check your dialation."

Felicity nodded tiredly, opening her eyes. "I'm so tired."

"Hey, I'm Doctor DeLuca." The Doctor came in, pulling on yellow colored gloves. She had a thick italian accent.

Felicity groaned as a contraction ripped through her.

Kissing her forehead, Sara grabs her hand. "I'm right here."

"Okay, let's take a look." Doctor DeLuca said, moving over to the bed and lifting the blanket over Felicity's knees.

Felicity swallowed as she watched Doctor DeLuca.

"Okay, it looks like you're ready to start pushing." Doctor DeLuca said.

Felicity let out a relieved breath. "Finally." She whispered, but she didn't know if she had the strength in her to push. She was so tired.

"I'm just going to fetch the nurses." Doctor DeLuca says softly.

Felicity nodded. She turned her head to look at Sara. "It's happening, it's really happening. I'm scared." She admitted.

"Everything is going to be fine." Sara promises softly.

The doctor returned moments later. "Okay, Felicity, when you feel the next contraction, I need you to push." Doctor DeLuca said.

Felicity gulped. She nodded. As if on queue a contraction ripped through her and she pushed, scrunching up her face and closing her eyes uncomfortably. She gripped Sara's hand so tightly that she thought she might break it. A strangled scream left her mouth.

Sara scrunches her face up in pain but continues gently talking to Felicity.

"You're doing great." Doctor DeLuca said. "You can take a break and start pushing when you feel another contraction."

Felicity relaxed against the pillow on the bed, panting.

Three more contractions later and a soft cry fills the room.

Felicity fell back against the bed, panting, her eyes fell closed. She was exhausted. Her hand fell from Sara's to lie on the bed beside her exhausted body.

"It's a beautiful little boy." Doctor DeLuca announced. "Do you want to cut the cord?" She asked Sara.

Nodding her head, Sara can't help but smile as she reaches for the scissors.

"We'll clean him up once the cord has been cut and you can hold him." Doctor DeLuca said.

Nodding her head, Sara moves closer and cuts the cord.

The baby boy continued to cry as Doctor DeLuca took him away to clean him.

Felicity opened her eyes and weakly lifted her hand to push her hair out of her face.

Moving over to her, Sara kisses her forehead. "You did great."

A tired half smile crossed Felicity's face.

"He's perfect." Sara continues.

"That's because he's your son." Felicity mumbled.

Sara sits down beside her. "Get some rest."

Felicity shook her head. "I want to see him first."

"Okay." Sara responds, squeezing her hand gently.

"Here he is." Doctor DeLuca carried their little boy over to them. He was wrapped in a blue towel. She placed him on Felicity's chest. "He's beautiful."

"Westley." Felicity said tiredly. "That should be his name. Westley."

"I like that." Sara responds instantly.

A tired smile crossed Felicity's face and she gently placed her hand on the baby's back.

The baby squirms slightly before relaxing and falling asleep.

Felicity fought to keep her eyes open.

"Sleep." Sara whispers, kissing her forehead.

Felicity's eyes fluttered closed and she drifted off to sleep with her newborn son in her arms.

After a few moments, Sara takes the baby and sits down in the chair beside the bed.

Westley had her blue eyes and a tuft of blonde hair. He had Felicity's nose.

"You're perfect." Sara whispers softly.

He stared at her, a yawn leaving his mouth.

Sara can't stop smiling as she watches him.

Westley began drifting off to sleep in Sara's arms.

Holding him close, Sara looks over at Felicity who was sound asleep.

Sara smiled. She reached into her pocket and pulled her phone from it. She dialled Caitlin's number.

"Hello?" Came the tired voice on the other end.

"Hey. Felicity had the baby." Sara said softly. "It's a boy."

"That's amazing, what's his name?" Caitlin asks.

"Westley." Sara said. "Felicity chose it."

"That's beautiful." Caitlin yawned.

"It is." Sara responds softly.

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