Little Headspace-Berry (Ben x harry)

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Nobody's POV
"Ok everyone's Here..Except..Harry.."
Uma Said

"That's werid Harry always Wants to win something.. I remember When we were kids Me and Him did a race to Who would make a sandcastle the fastest he literally Finished In 1 minute" Mal Laughed

"Ben Go check On him" Jay Grinned
"what? Why me?"
"Your the only one that doesn't want to pick a game" Carlos Grinned

Ben's POV
I started walking To Harry's Private room I slowly Opened his door to See THE Harry hook on his bed Wearing a Red hoodie and Black Pants Giggling at a stuffed Puppy animal.
"Uh Harry"
He saw me and Dove for the Covers.

"Harry Hook?" I nudged the Covers on the Bed.
"Dwaddy?" Harry Looked
That's when it hit me.
Harry was a little..Doug was telling me his cousin Sam Was A little.

I smiled softly at the boy.
That's when he jumped in my lap over the weeks I had grown taller than Harry so he fit perfectly in my lap.

I pecked his forehead and held his waist.
"Hmmm what's that?" I looked At the paper on The Side table.
"Thwats da Dwocters Nwote Fwor Big Hwarry"
"I looked at the paper it said this.

|Dear Sir Hook.
|You have been diagnosed OCD I have medication I would like you to Pick Up in a few days|
Dr. Shan Yu

I looked at the other piece of paper while Harry looked peacefully at the TV sucking his bottle

|Dear Harry,
Do To our therapy sessions I have found out that You Get scared Very easily and you go into Little Headspace with any loud Noises I advice you to Get a caregiver|

That's why he dived for the covers he gets scared easily..and he must have become a Little because of jay yelling that he was excited..

The poor boy snuggled Up to me But when Uma Yelled "HARRY YOU STUPID BOY COME OVER HERE YOU TOO BEN"
Tears shot out of his eyes and he let out a silent cry while Sighing and dove for the covers.

"Harry?" "Harry?" I picked him up from under the covers and Put him in my lap.
He snuggled Up to me And I kissed his lip and smiled.

Meanwhile with the others.
"Where are they?" Jay questioned
"I don't know.. let's check" mal said
She took Carlos jay Chad Evie uma Gil Audrey and Jane all Up to Harry's room.

They saw Harry in ben's  lap Sucking his thumb.
"HARRY HOOK" Jay yelled
Harry Put his hands over his ears and sat in bend lap whining and Crying.
"Shhh Baby it's ok" Ben said as he peppered Harry's Face and Harry Cuddled the Elephant stuffie as he sat on the bed.

"What the heck is he doing Ben??" Audrey asked
"Look he has a little Headspace He slips easily with loud noises and All your yelling has made Him very Clingy and Scared"

Uma Jay jane Mal Carlos evie and Chad grinned.
"do You wanna Join him Babies?" Jay asked
Gil and Audrey looked confused.
Chad and Carlos Nodded.
Jay gave them Stuffed Bunnies and they walked over to Harry.
Harry being the shy Little bean he is dove For the covers
"Sworry I scwared ywo I'm Chawd"
"I'm cwarlos"
Harry looked up and got up from the covers.
"Ywo Lwittle Twoo?"
Harry asked Sputtering
"Ywes!"they said in unison.
Harry was coming out of his shell and Playing with them.

"So their all littles?"
Evie asked
"Duh!" Jay grinned
"So you watch both of them?"
"No I just watch Carlos" "Alex Watches Chad" who's Alex? Audrey asked
"Chad's Boyfriend" son of alice in wonderland
I'm just watching chad while He's Visiting friends for a couple of days."
Oh Ok.

"Don't worry Ben I'll teach you how to be a caregiver"

"Yeah thanks"

After everyone left Harry and Ben cuddled When Harry was Big again He agreed to let ben be his caregiver.

Ben and Harry had never been happier.

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