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Top: Harry

All Harry ever saw was Carlos's Sassy side But when they Started Dating Carlos Opened Up a Little.And Carlos got to see Harry's sweet side.

Carlos was In bed Harry was In the kitchen.
And then Carlos heard it

Lightning the Scariest thing Carlos thinks.
Carlos dove For the Covers and hid under the covers he shuttered Every Time The Lighting Zapped and thunder Boomed.

"Pup~ dinners ready" Harry Yelled.
Carlos didnt budge He was too scared.
"Where is that Boy" Harry thought Harry walked up the stairs and his heart melted.

Carlos was In his hoodie

Carlos was In his hoodie

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Oddly Today Carlos and Harry made a deal

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Oddly Today Carlos and Harry made a deal.
When they were at the store Carlos saw a puppy Stuffed animal and Harry agreed to get it..If Carlos called him daddy for today.and Oddly Carlos agreed.

"Are You ok Pup" Harry pet his back as he heard The boy's Back shiver and a Yelp come out of his mouth.
Carlos whispered from under the blanket.
"Yes Baby?"
"I'm scared.."
"I can tell You are Baby.."
Carlos peeked from under the covers.
Harry day crisscross and put Carlos is his lap holding his waist and kissing his face.

Carlos whined That Made Harry coo at him.
"Of course Baby Boy"
Carlos was sleeping softly on his chest As Harry smiled at him.

I didn't know how to end this? But I just decided to Like this
Word count:243

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