New Team New Teammates

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"Officer ON DECK!" You heard tom speak as Blue team saw Tom Lasky walk in with you. "Blue team. You have a new team mate, she's different to you, she is a Valkyrie who is trained in different areas including combat weapons. Treat her well. Y/N come forward please." You walked forward showing yourself, you saw blue team two females and a male with their helmets off. "Y/N This is Master Chief Spartan 117 he is the leader of Blue Team" Tom said. "Pleasure is mine Master Chief" You spoke. You couldn't see his face but you know it's a glare. "Blue Team dismissed" Tom spoke as he left. You were left with Blue team and Master Chief. The two females and the male walk over to you. "Hello there Y/N my name is Kelly-087" Kelly welcomed you. "Linda- 058 nice to meet you Y/N. "Fredric-104 welcome to Blue team." You smiled at the welcome. "So your a 'Valkyrie'?" Kelly asks you. "Yes trained with different weapons from guns to lance. Including other areas. Well i am in the system for a Valkyrie counted as one of the strongest there including my rank being what's know as a triple S rank Valkyrie." You explained as you brought you one of your Pri-arm weapons. "This is called a Pri-arm...its a upgraded version of the weapon making it a lot more powerful long with new abilities. Only Double S and Triple S rank are allowed to use them. Besides that being trained in different areas in important what my teacher told me." Linda was surprised like Kelly in the weapon she was holding. "Your welcome to hold it and have a look at it" You smiled at them. "Chief did you want to see this weapon?" Fred asks Master Chief. "Chief it would be nice to speak to your new teammate" You heard a AI speak. "That's Chief's AI Cortana." Fred was stunned at how the weapon's design looks along with the pri-arms. "It took alot of me to work my way up in ranks" You said shyly. "So your weapon is powerful" You heard Master Chief finally speak. "Yes it Sir, I was trained in different weaponry including weapons known as Divine Keys" You answered. "Anyways i'm going off the training area to practice" You said as you left Blue team and took the weapon. You walked towards the training area you saw it look pretty cool. You removed the hoodie you had out on as you found a dummy to practice combat as you were asleep for 20 years and missed the action of fighting Honkai. You remembered you had a Herrscher Stigmata since birth as it was discovered by a lab. Men in white took you at a young age, This memory only caused you so much pain that it angered you to fight against the Honkai. Tom saw the anger in you come out as you kick the dummy a long mile he ducked as it stopped sliding a few more miles behind him. "Y/N is everything okay?" He asks you. You were in shock, as you didn't want anyone to see your anger. He looked at you soon seeing one of your eyes change colour (Herrscher), in fear you ran off quickly as tom saw the black bandages on your arms and realized you left your hoodie there in the training room. You went to the medical bay and covered your eye (Herrscher) as it scares you. You asked about a balcony to see space and the Nurse said where it was. You smiled shyly and walked off again. Tom had a chat with Chief saying how strong the kick was and point to where the dummy landed. In surprise John in was shocked from it. "Chief one of her eyes changed colour and she just quickly walked off. Leaving this behind, can you have a chat to her and tell her the truth."
Chief nods and goes off to find you as you can be fast and hard to find. Where you were you just stared into the stars, zoning out thinking about what could have happened to your team of Valkyries most importantly the school. Chief after an hour and a half finds you just zoned out staring at space. Confusing hits him with the black bandages on you. Yet more confused with you being a Valkyrie not a Spartan like he was. "I know your there Sir" you spoke softly not even looking at him. You turned your head towards chief's way. He saw one of your eyes was covered with a bandage. Master chief now knew that Tom Lasky was right about it. "Y/N care to explain what happened?" You hear Chief's gruff voice. "Chief my past is something that fuels my anger, I lost everything, and I lost my brother John. He was taken the same night I was taken but two different paths." John was rather shocked, that his little sis was a Valkyrie yet a damn good one too but not knowing what happened to her in the past. Chief soon stood next to you in shock you and John did this when you two were younger. "Is something wrong Commander or should I say Y/N?" He teased you. "Wait John is that you?" You spoke in shock. "Y/N I'm known as Master Chief you know that right." You sigh and death hug the green boi. Even in armour poor chief can't get a break.

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