Deja Vu?

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Chapter 10

Handong's face appeared on the large monitor that had descended from above Kiki's personal mini bar "Hi girls nice to see you all again" Handong said looking up through the tops of her half moon glasses " I'm here with Sua and I'm just gonna go through some stuff we found right after the incident earlier this evening."  Sua's head briefly popped on the screen giving a small wave.  "Dong Dongiii you are so pretty, fire bright power pshhh" Bee slurred gesturing her hands to her hair before leaning her head on Tako's shoulder "Hush Bee" Kiki said giving her a light tap and handing the water bottle she had been giving Daimeng over for her to drink.  " Thanks Bee.  So let's start..." Handong said clearly in work mode with her eyes focused to the left of the camera lens as she typed on her keyboard.  She narrated as she showed the group footage from the CCTV over at Mr. P's gambling rooms and the buildings surrounding the site of the incident, including Yoohyeon's apartment building.  

The 9to9 members were trying hard to focus on the footage despite the drinks fogging their minds.  Jiu and Yoohyeon however were fully focused and sober and were paying full attention to all of the details.  "Is there any other camera's in the gambling room? Or do we just have the one angle at the entrance?" Jiu asked inquisitively leaning forward slightly.  "That's just it" Dami said  looking up from her iPad "We do have footage" she said before pausing.  "So can we see it?" Yoohyeon asked inquisitively  "There would be no point, Handong has run her usual programmes to retrieve the footage but there is a problem." Dami said looking back up to the screen "She's right, I've located and hacked all of the CCTV cleanly as normal so as not to leave any digital footprints but when it comes to the gambling rooms, I can see someone has tried very hard to conceal a change in the date stamps so it looks like it was from today."  Handong said as she typed her eyes flickering as she spoke "but Handong spotted it as usual because she is a god!" Dami said nodding her head forward with enthusiasm as she spoke "I mean...I wouldn't go that far Dami but I'll take the compliment."

 "Someone has used multiple coding techniques and digital backdoors if you will, I can tell it is not an amateur scramble."  Jiu rubbed a knuckle on her lips as she leant forward slightly listening to Handong as she relayed the information "So whoever it was wants us to not know what's happening inside the gambling rooms, hmm can we see the timestamps on the footage they have replaced?" She asked looking to the monitor and then to Dami.  Handong and Dami worked on their devices "Just a sec, Handong I'm routing you the programme.  Can you back track it to get the date?" Dami said, her eyes fixed on her iPad as she worked "On it, gimme just a sec" said Handong.  Sua leaned into the camera frame as she leaned over Handong's shoulder, her gaze fixed to the monitor.  "They backdated the footage by 3 weeks, so what we are seeing now...was recorded 3 weeks ago" Handong said looking into the camera facing the girls.

Jiu as she leant on her knee and swiped a hand through her hair pushing it to the side "Sua I need you to get the phone records for the guy we were tracking for the last 3 weeks and check it over for any indications" Sua nodded "on it" "Handong when Sua get's this I need you to cross reference this with Mr P's locations, focus on the nearest 5 to the attack locations." Jiu said confidently as she pulled out her phone quickly typing something "I've just sent you our previous GPS markers from our tail on the new guy to narrow down the signal towers." A ping was heard through the monitor as Handong received the information "I can get it for you and me Dami and Sua can filter through by Sunday" Handong replied.  "I can come by Polaris and help you guys too" said Jiu.  Sua came back on the screen "I've brought the file notes from the tail and we will get on it now but Jiu I'm afraid you and Yoohyeon need to stay away from Polaris for now" Jiu looked to Yoohyeon briefly and back to the screen "Yoohyeon's apartment is being scoped by the cops, they are crawling all over the place right now and we suspect that whoever got Tae still has eyes on the area so it's not safe for Yoohyeon to return and because you dropped her off you could have been tagged." Jiu leant back in her chair with a slightly puzzled expression "I changed my plates as I got to the gym as usual so nobody should have clocked my car from the gym to my apartment but I only wore my cap not mask." Jiu said recounting the past events.  Kiki also sighed looking to Jiu "Well at least you're apartment location won't have been leaked, good job you changed plates.  I'll get our members to do a scan on the CCTV for the route from the gym to your place to check if there has been any hacking attempts" Kiki said nodding to Jiu and looking over to her members "I'll send the details to Jackson in the morning" Sunrui added placing her hand on Jiu's shoulder giving it a squeeze.  

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