7: Cake

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Plot: Cake.

The three littles played in the play room happily.

"Kookie, Jiminie, TaeTae. We're back."

The littles looked up as they heard their hyung's.

They got up and ran out of the room to greet them.

They stopped as they saw the whole dorm was covered in cake.

Each furniture, floor and ceiling were different kinds of cake.

The littles looked around in awe, they then began eating.

Each of them stuffing pieces of cake in their mouths.

Jungkook turned his head, spotting their hyung's.

He smiled and waddled over to them happily.

He hugged Jin, only to be covered in frosting and cake bits.

Jungkook screamed in horror.

The other two littles looked over worriedly and rushed towards the boy.

"Wa' happen?" Jimin asked.

"Jinnie cake!" Jungkook sobbed, thinking he killed the older by the hug.

Taehyung hugged him gently.

"Maybe Joonie hyung 'now wa' to do." Taehyung suggested.

Jungkook nods and waddled over to Namjoon.

He gently held the older boy's hand, causing it to fall off.

Jungkook screamed in horror and hugged Taehyung tightly.

Taehyung gently rubbed the younger's back in comfort.

"Yoonie, help." Jimin pleaded as he went to hug the older boy's leg.

His hug caused Yoongi's leg to crush into cake bits, his upper body falling onto Jimin.

The boy yelled and cried.

"Hobi cake two" Taehyung frowned, not wanting to take a chance whether Hoseok was really real or just a cake.

"We got to go pwayroom." Jungkook sniffles, wiping the tears off his eyes. "We'll be safe"

"Wet's go Chim." Taehyung gently helped the older boy up who continued crying.

He began walking, only for the three boys to be sucked in to the floor.

The three widen their eyes and tried to escape to the playroom.

The cake like floor continued absorbing the boys.

"Me don' wan' to die!" Jimin cried, as they continued struggling.

"Help!" Taehyung cried out.

"Cake evil!" Jungkook screamed out.

The three disappeared into the cake.

"Wake up!"

The three littles jolted awake, looking up at Jin who looked down at them.

"Are you guys alright? You were moving and mumbling in your sleep."

"Hyung!" Jungkook jumped up and hugged onto Jin tight, relieved he didn't fall apart like cake Jin did.

Jin hugged back in confusion. "Okay...well, food is ready on the table."

The two littles left the playroom, rushing towards their hyungs.

Jin walked out of the playroom, dragging his leg as Jungkook held onto him tight.

Jimin went to Yoongi and hugged him tight, not wanting to let go.

Yoongi didn't question the boy but hugged back, liking the affection.

Taehyung hugged Hoseok tight, Hoseok raised a brow but smiled.

He hugged the boy tight.

Namjoon went over to Jin, helping Jungkook up who hugged him also.

Jin went over to the oven and put on oven mitts. Taking out a desert he made after dinner.

"After dinner, who wants cake!?" Jin smiled.

The three littles turned to look at Jin, shouting in unison.


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