Chapter 1

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"Rollins, Amaro, Fin, Carisi, come and meet our newest Detective. All the way from Central City." 

Olivia was introducing you to her team. Ever since you'd put in the request at your precinct you were eager to join. The Special Victims Unit was your first choice. Joe asked multiple times if you were positive this was the career you wanted to pursue. He'd been a cop for ages, he knew this unit was a tough one. 

Having worked with them on a few cases and heard stories on others. You were adamant on coming here, and he had faith that you could be an asset, he just wanted you to make sure you knew what you were getting yourself into. It was endearing to say the least. You held out your, greeting all of the other members of your new team. 

"It's nice to meet you, "I'm (Y/N), (L/N). I'm really looking forward to working with all of you. " 

You shook their hands one by one. When you got to the man with dark hair you blushed a little. He had a sturdy grip, and a very kind smile. 

"Nick Amaro. So Central City huh, where is that in Ohio?"

"Missouri. "

You corrected with a smile. 

"What made you come to Special Victims, Liv said you were on the homicide task force. "

"Just a change in scenery I guess." 

That was partially true.

"Yeah, I heard a lot of crazy stuff happens there. A guy that can run faster than the speed of light. The press there really are eccentric." 

Amanda pipped in You giggled. You were glad they thought it was a poor attempt to attract tourists. If you told them half the things you experienced you were positive they wouldn't believe you. It was partially the reason for your departure. 

You were tired of super powered villains, you needed a rest. Plus Cisco and Barry had more back up, Ralph and Killer Frost were a part of their superhero squad now, they could handle things without you.

"Well, today just get settled in. We've been a man down since Mike moved to Terrorism Taskforce. " 

You nod, walking over to the desk Olivia was guiding you to. You smiled, dropping your bag on the table. 

"I'll bring in my stuff tomorrow." 

You stated. Olivia handed you your badge and gun and your smile widened. 


You took it gratefully. 

"Thank you Lieutenant, I'm so happy to be here, I'm going to do my best to make you proud. " Olivia smiled at your excitement.

"Let's hope this job doesn't take away that beautiful smile of yours. " 

You looked down a bit bashful at her compliment. She gestured to someone. Carisi walked over, dropping a hand on your shoulder. 

"Show (Y/N) The ropes. Carisi here will be your tour. I'll figure out who to partner you up with tomorrow."

"That's great. Thank you boss!" 

Olivia couldn't help but find your enthusiasm adorable.

Sonny chuckled. 

"I remembered what it was like being the new kid. You're gonna fit right in. Follow me." 

You did, as he guided you around the precinct. Explaining the basics. You met a couple other officers, and even stopped by the District Attorney's office. Carisi knocked on the door, and a deep come in echoed on the other side. He opened it and you were met with man. His eyes were directed on the files on his desk. 

Nick Amaro (Law and Order SVU) AUWhere stories live. Discover now