Chapter One

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A/N: Hey everyone! I'm making another x Reader book (which is this one, 😂). And actually, I've never written something like how this book is going to be.

So, I ask you all, please bear with me!

I'm also thinking about having the chapter pictures being art for this book (I'm not sure yet).



September, 2019, New York City, New York





I groaned, trying to smack my alarm clock away from my ear. Sometimes I wonder why it thinks it can wake me up in the middle of a dream.

Like, honestly, how many times have you been woken up by your alarm clock in the middle of a dream? For example, my dream was about this one guy, and I was about to see his face for the first time. From where I stood (which was behind him) he had super curly hair.

I fucking hate alarm clocks.

Anywho, I managed to shut it off (and I may have threw it across the room in the process). I slowly opened my (E/C) eyes, grateful for the sun reducing curtains I had.

I slowly, but surely, pushed myself onto my elbows so I could take in my surroundings. Of course, I was in my room at my parents house in New York. I squinted my eyes, trying to see what was near my door.

I then realized that it was my suitcases that I had packed for college, as I would be settling in my dorm at the end of the day. I let out a relieved sigh, as I thought it was some monster of some sort. I then fell onto my pillow, slowly falling back to sleep.


"Y/N!!!!! I swear to god you better be up!!!!" I heard my mother scream. I grumbled, not wanting to get up.

'Oh shit...' I thought, jumping out of my bed and immediately falling onto the floor.

"Shit, shit, shit." I muttered, struggling to find my way around my dark room.

Curse these sun reducing curtains.

I somehow managed to find the light switch, even if I had to sacrifice a few of my toes to my bed frame. I quickly flipped the switch and started to get ready. I quickly threw on a Harry Potter shirt and some jean shorts before looking through my suitcase.

"Okay, okay. I think I have everything. If I don't, then I can easily drive back here." I muttered to myself, closing and then grabbing my suitcase and my flute case.

And yes, before you ask, I do play the flute. But just so you know, it can also be used as a weapon if needed.

My mom was in the kitchen, making breakfast for my siblings and herself. I walked in the kitchen, sleep still itching my eyes. I let out a small yawn, which made my mother turn around.

She gave me a glare, "You told me you would wake up to your alarm." She crossed her arms and tipping her head a bit.

"Yeah, well, it was being a jerk and decided to interrupt my dream." I let out a soft growl of annoyance. I placed my stuff by the door before walking back into the kitchen.

My mom raised an eyebrow before going back to making breakfast. "Tyler! Mia! Breakfast!" She barked, grabbing a plate and quickly putting pancakes onto it.

There was some toast on the table, so I quickly grabbed a piece before my siblings came down.

Tyler came down first. He was 16, going to be 17 in a few days. He had black hair with a slight curl to it. He had the same (E/C) as me, but other than that, we physically had nothing in common.

A few seconds later, our younger sister, Mia, barreled down the stairs and almost ran into Tyler. She was a 14 year old who had the energy of a 6 year old. Her (H/C) was the same as mine, but her eyes were a deep shade of blue, as if you were staring into the darkest part of the ocean.

"Mom, I'm going to head out. I still have a bit to do before I can go into my dorm." I said, taking a quick bite of my toast.

"Y/N, come on, sit and eat with us before you leave." My mother stated, glancing up at me.

I gave her a shrug, "I'm sorry mom, but I need to do this stuff first." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and ruffled both of my siblings hair, which I earned a smack on the arm from both.

Grinning, I grabbed my stuff and made my way towards my car.

I already had most of my stuff in my car, so I threw my suitcase and my flute into the front seat. I then made my way to the drivers side and got in.

I relaxed for a bit before grabbing my phone and plugging it into the AUX cord.

And like any sane person, I immediately turned the Hamilton soundtrack on.

As I pulled out of the driveway, I was already jamming to Nonstop.

'And now, into the unknown.' I thought as I hummed Alex's part in the beginning of the song.

886 Words

Okay, probably one of the shortest chapters I've written, but it'll be like this for a little bit 😊.

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