Chapter Three

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September, 1800, New York City, New York



I don't know how long I was out, but I'm now starting to come to. The sun was streaming onto my face, which made me uncomfortable.

I let out a soft groan, pain flooding through my body, but mostly my head. "That was a strange dream...." I muttered, still laying on the ground.

I figured that my alarm hadn't gone off yet, and my mom hasn't yelled at me yet, so I could keep my eyes closed for a little longer. But after a while, I decided to get up and get ready to go to my college dorm.

The sun casted its rays down on my face as my eyes fluttered open, but immediately regretted it as I blinded myself. I slowly began to open them again, that way I could adjust my eyes to the light.

'Since when did my room have an open roof...?' I thought to myself slowly.

I rolled onto my knees, my hand reaching up to rub the back of my head. I winced as my hand touched my head, and quickly pulled it away. I glanced down at my hand and gasped. It was covered with blood, but not a whole lot.

"That explains the ginormous headache." I grumbled, struggling to get onto my feet. After a few minutes, I managed to get on my feet, but stumbled into the wall during the process. I propped myself against it, trying to take deep breathes as a wave of dizziness washed over me.

'That's probably not a good sign.' I noted before taking in my surroundings. I wasn't in my supposed dorm, or at my house. Instead, I was surrounded three ways by wood, and the ground was made with cobblestone.......Wait a minute.

I slowly slid to the ground and pressed my hand onto the cobblestone, trying to think. "Why the hell is there cobblestone and not concrete?" I muttered, my hands grazing across the smooth stone.

I slowly stood back up, my back still pressed against the wall. My eyes began to scan the surroundings once more. I looked down the street, which must have been an alleyway or something, and spotted another road. As I turned my head to the road, I saw something glint in the sunlight out of the corner of my eye.

I looked over at the object and immediately stumbled back, my fingernails digging into wood as I tried to regain my grip, " was all I dream, I swear." I whispered, trying to reason with my mind. I slowly made my way towards the object, my body shaking a bit at the discovery.

There, on a crate, was the watch I had found. However, it looked more broken then when I last saw it, which was when it began to make me disappear. I kept staring at the mysterious wrist watch, my thoughts putting two and two together.

'That's impossible. Time travel only happens in movies and tv shows.' I thought trying to reassure myself. I quickly snatched up the watch and stuffed it in the pocket of my jeans before slowly walking towards the second street.

'I need to figure out where I am.' I thought, stumbling along the wall. My head still throbbed with a headache, but I came up with the conclusion that the bleeding had (hopefully) stopped. However, I think I might have a concussion.

I made it to the end of the alleyway and poked my head around the corner. The street was bustling with carriages and people walking. The men wore some type of business suit, like the male characters in Hamilton, and the females wore large dresses with a lot of layer, again, like the female characters in Hamilton.

I looked down at my clothes, which were now caked with dirt and blood from my head. 'This'll be a great appearance,'I thought before turning my attention back to the crowd, 'Maybe if I just stick to the side of the crowd, no one will notice me.' And with that thought in mind, I slowly made my way onto the street.


Somehow, I was able to make it to a park without anyone walking up to me. However, I kept receiving side glances and I could hear people around me whispering. So after a few minutes of people whispering and staring, I tried to make myself smaller and made my way to a side street instead of the main one. And so, this side street led me to a small park.

I sat down on one of the benches, exhausted. Usually I don't get tired this easily, but considering I lost a reasonable amount of blood from my head, it made sense. I leaned back against the bench, my legs relaxed in front of me.

It was getting dark out, and honestly, I couldn't feel more happier. It was a long, confusing day, and I was just glad that it was over.

I took the watch out of my pocket. The time still read 11:24, but the glass was cracked beyond repair, and the dial to reset the watch was stuck inside the watch. I tried to pry the dial out with my thumb and pointer finger, but I only managed to get a sore finger.

I cursed before shoving the watch in my pocket, clearly frustrated.

"How the hell am I going to get back?" I growled before lifting my head up to look at the stars. Since there was no light pollution, I could see them in all their glory.

I watched the stars for a little longer, and was able to see a shooting star. Usually, I don't believe in wishing on a shooting star, but I thought that since I was possibly stuck in time, I might as well.

"Please help me find my way home." I whispered before swinging my legs up onto the bench and laying down on the cool wood.

I winced as I gently laid my head on the wood, so I decided to lay on my hands instead. It wasn't the most comfortable bench, but it would do.

I gazed around the area where I laid, the only thing illuminating the area was the stars and a few lamps on the side of a nearby street. The trees stood around me, as if waiting for me to make a move. I swiftly flipped onto my other side, blocking out the looming glares of the trees.

'Hopefully tomorrow won't be so bad.' I thought groggily before falling asleep.


1100 words

Hey look! I finally updated! 😂. I had to redo this chapter, just because I wasn't satisfied (Sorry Ange, I stole your line) with it.

Also, happy belated birthday to Eliza!!!!

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