Chapter Two

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September, 2019, New York City, New York


"I have to leave."


"Look around, Look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now."


I turned at a stoplight and continued to sing at the top of my lungs.

"He will never be satisfied."

"-to be satisfied, satisfied, satisfi- History has its eyes on you!"

I finished the song and gasped for air. When you have to sing over five parts, you can bet on it that you might die from lack of oxygen.

I stopped at another stoplight, waiting for the next song. The light turned green and I went straight.

'Stay alive..........Stay alive.......'

'Where is my son?!?!'

'Mr. Hamilton, come in, they brought him in a half an hour ago. He's lost a lot of blood.'

I breathed out a silent curse. I had a love hate relationship with this song. There were days when I loved listening to the song, because you could feel the emotions swirl around, and then there were other days where you really don't want to deal with History's shit.

"Philip....." I tried to say in a masculine whisper.

"Pa....I did exactly as you said Pa. I held my head up high." I breathed out, trying to make my voice shaky so it matched the situation.

I stopped at another stoplight. How many can I possibly hit today, honestly?

'No!!!' I heard Eliza yell as she entered the scene.

'Eliza!' Hamilton called back.

"Is he breathing?!? Is he going to survive this?!? Who did this, Alexander, did you know!?!?" I yelled with Eliza.

"Mom, I'm so sorry, for forgetting, what you taught me....." I whispered, placing my hand above my heart and started tapping my chest whenever I could hear the heartbeat.

Slowly and steadily, the heartbeat faded out as I pulled into the parking lot of the college.

'Welp, now I'm sad.' I thought with a huff of annoyance. I got out of my car and grabbed my suitcase.


I walked through the front doors of the college, my eyes widening. Everything was huge! In awe, I slowly made my way towards the front desk.

"Hello! How can I help you?" Asked the lady at the front desk. She had a Columbia University t-shirt on, and the name tag on her shirt read, 'Jane'.

"Hello!" I greeted, "I am looking for my dorm room and keys? Oh! And my schedule!" I quickly added, giving the lady a small smile.

She returned the smile and began to shuffle through papers, "What is your first and last name?" She asked.

"Y/N L/N." I stated, rocking back and forth on my feet.

"Y/N.....L/N......aha! Here it is!" Jane said, taking out an orange envelope and handing it to me. "Inside you will find a map, your schedule, your room number and your keys. I hope you have a great day! And if you need anything, don't be hesitant to ask!" She called before turning to help another student.

"Thank you!" I called back, moving out of the way. Once I was sure I was out of the way, I opened the envelope and began to exam its' contents.

I grabbed my dorm key and took out my schedule sheet, which held my room number. I scanned through the paper, sometimes looking at the classes that I would have.

Escaping Time (Philip Hamilton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now