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I just wanted to show you all my favorite picture before you started reading. No, I'm not trying to keep you from reading, what makes you think that?

One by one
Bury them together
The plague has come
Now the rats feast
And the cats run

Frisk gave me a pleading look and had tears at the brink of falling. I dropped my machete to the floor and put my hands up. "I just want my daughter back." I said. The word daughter wasn't wrong coming out of my mouth, but that didn't make it right either. It was obvious that I cared for Frisk as if she were my own and it wasn't too uncommon for her to call me dad.

But I wasn't her dad, her dad was underground, and she isn't my daughter.

But I so badly wanted her to be.

The man had a shaking finger over the trigger. "Let my kid go, please." I said slowly taking a step forward. "A life for a life." he pointed the gun at me. I moved as soon as he pulled the trigger. I was starving so I was too weak to summon my magic, not that I summoned it often to begin with. He shot again and I barely dodged it. I launched myself at him and he shot, grazing my shoulder. I winced and pushed him against the floor and he lost his grip on the gun and Frisk. However, I let go when he kneed me in the no-no square and kicked me off him so that he was on top of me. He reached for my machete and tried to, assumingly, cut my head off as my bandana wasn't much protection. I held my hands up stopping the machete but cutting my right hand.

Then a gunshot rang and the guy fell off me. I looked over to see Frisk holding the gun the guy was holding, but her shirt was still not on. She had trembling hands and dropped the gun before bursting into tears. I realized my own mistake, I never let Frisk fight the living because they were smart. They weren't just hungry for flesh. Well, there were cannibals, but that's a different story. I pulled her into a hug and told her sweet nothings. "I didn't mean to kill him, I mean I did but I... I didn't mean for it... I..." she rambled and I responded with 'it's okay's' and rubbing circles on her back.

Eventually, she did calm down and wiped her eyes. "You okay now?" I asked. She nodded and sniffled. "Good, now go put your shirt on." I said. "I can't, he cut it up to get it off, why were they trying to take my clothes off anyway?" she asked. I shrugged my shoulder confused. "I don't know, but it wasn't for good reason that's for sure." I stated. "I'm getting the bag and you have to follow me, I don't want any more of that." I said and I moved to the aisle with my bag in it. Thankfully, it hadn't been touched. I sighed and started stuffing a couple more cans in it. "Okay, that should do, let's get you a shirt." I said putting the bag on my shoulders before pain shot through my arm. "Sans, he got you, how about you just carry it and then we'll wrap up your wounds. I feel exposed with just a bra on." she said. I nodded and carried the bag as we looked through the girl's clothing. I had to keep her from picking very revealing clothes. In the end, she put on a camouflaged tank top. "Oh no Frisk, where'd you torso go?" I asked. She smiled at me before lightly giggling. "You're turning into your brother, Sans." she said taking the bag from me and taking alcohol wipes and bandages out. I hated the pain but it's better than getting infected and losing my arm. I hissed when she touched it. "I saw your hand, I need to get that too." she said. I sighed as she started wrapping it. I held up my hand before she smothered it in alcohol. I resisted the urge to ball my hand into a fist. She wrapped it up and put everything back up before taking a can of pineapples out of the bag. "Want some?" she asked. I nodded and opened the can for her. Frisk always got first because she needed it more than me. Of course, I wanted it badly but she needed it more. She was important. She saved half of it for me to drink. I took a slice out and ate it.

So we sat there, sharing a can of pineapples.

When we were done, we weren't full but it would have to do for now. "Sans, let me carry the bag, I don't have any injuries." she said. I couldn't argue with her, I was obviously in bad shape, just adding up the countless scars and bruises on my body. Human food doesn't work like Monster food. "Only for half the walk. I don't need you complaining about your feet hurting." I said and she smiled putting the bag on her back. I got up after her and we left. I stayed behind her as she walked, I had to watch her back. That was my job as the adult in this duo.
She was strong, that was for sure. There wasn't a doubt about it.

"So Sans, where are we going?" she asked. "We are going to see an old friend in Minnesota." I answered. "Oh, we're going to see Wayne and them? I haven't seen them in a year, " Frisk said, "but that's a couple of weeks of walking at best." I nodded though she couldn't see me.

Wayne had given me a walkie talkie last year. It was for emergencies but we mainly used it to talk and catch up since we only talked every couple months. Wayne was a really laid back man and he told me about Washington collapsing under hordes of Infected. The safest places now are small areas in Ohio and a safe zone in Maine. I couldn't take Frisk to either because they use girls there for their own needs. Now that I think about it, that was probably what those guys were doing. "Why are we seeing Wayne?" Frisk asked. "Rumor has been getting around that a cure was found but it is still toxic to those not infected. Wayne said he'd take us in for a couple of days." I explained. "Maybe I can hang out with Marshall, he's close to my age." Frisk said. I smiled and nodded again. I didn't feel like talking. I was weak and slightly hungry.

"Frisk, ya know, I've been thinking. I mean, you did save my life so I should reward ya, right? I'll let you use the handgun in the bag, how's that sound?" she asked. She stopped and turned towards me with a bright face. She squealed and hugged me. "Thank you!" she said trying to keep her voice down. Best not have Infected after us. I chuckled and kissed her forehead. Frisk was my kid, I was responsible for her. I can't lose the only friend I have left with me. The one who stuck through it with me from the beginning.

"Okay that's enough, we got to get to Minnesota, it's going to be a long walk."


There's another done! I hope you like it.

As you can see Sans cares about Frisk a lot and puts her before everything else. No, them dating will not happen because she is WAY to young for him and he does not like her that way. Sorry to all the Sans x Frisk fans.

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