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"Do you wish to live?" A bright light shone down on you as blood slowly spilled from your mouth. "Or maybe death is what you wished?" The sadistic voice didn't match the kind features of the angelic face that came into view just as your vision blurred. His hands wrapped around your neck and waist as he came closer. "Well? Which is it? I'll grant any wish you have, wether it be life, or death, happiness, wealth, or perhaps love? Anything you want! Anything could be yours, so make your choice!" He spoke enthusiastically. 

You couldn't deny that your heart had begun to fasten it's pace as he gazed down at you. "Anything... I want?" You coughed as he wiped the blood from your mouth.


You thought for a moment, you didn't wanna mess up your one chance to get everything you had ever desired... but wait. What did you want? You couldn't remember anymore, he was just so mesmerizing. "You." 

His smile grew so wide you thought it would stretch beyond the lengths of his face. He seemed happy with your choice. "Then it is I you have wished for?" He answered smugly. You gave a small nod, "what a wise choice." He chuckled and pulled you into his chest as he stood. "Sleep now, so you won't think you were delusional when you wake up."

"I'll still... probably think that."

"Which is fine, I'll just explain it to you all over, and if you'd like, I'll even ask you again what you wish for." His smile was sweet as you replied.

"It'll be the same regardless." You closed your eyes like he had suggested and left your safety up to him.

"We'll see." He stretched out his wings and begun flying through the air soundlessly.




Your eyes flickered open slowly, trying to adjust to the harsh lights and bright colors. Noticing it was a scene you'd never seen before, you shot up in fear only to be push back into the bed. "Hey! Calm down. Damn." The voice spat out as they released a sigh. Their jet black hair and deep colored blue eyes reminded you of the ocean. "You can call me Giyuu." He spoke, seemingly noticing your curiosity. 

"(Y-y/n)." You replied as the door on the opposite end of the big room slid open softly to reveal a face you vaguely remember. 

"We're well aware of you name." His sweet smile caused you to look away, his brightness too much to handle right then. "The question is, do you remember how you got here and what transpired before hand?" He cocked his brow at you inquisitively.

"Ah... I remember a little..." you admitted shyly. You could tell he expected you to continue. "Like the accident..." 

He hummed in curiosity, but Giyuu interrupted, "the accident, what about it?"

You furrowed your brows and pinched the bridge of your nose the headache you hadn't noticed before making you wince in pain as you tried to remember. "The accident, with the people, the noise..." 

"Stop trying to get her to remember, she's just causing herself more pain." The sun like one spoke in a warning tone. "Regardless, do you remember me?"

You looked up at him, but shook your head. "Not really..." you trailed off feeling bad for having forgotten your savior.

He didn't seem to mind much, and acted like he expected that answer. "Fair enough, I knew this would happen. I'll start from the beginning then,-" he begun speaking about what had happened after the accident and how he had offered you a wish.

"So... you gave me a wish? What did I choose?"

He looked upwards with a sigh, "I shall not say until you've made another choice. So I offer the same thing yet again, I give you a wish, anything you could want. Money, fame, love, justice. Anything you want you could have, so what'll it be?" He smiled kindly and ran a hand over your head as you thought. Anything you wanted could be yours, but you got a sense of deja vu.

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