Long Lost Returned

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The tapping of your shoes hitting the concrete created a nice tune for you to doze off to, walking home from school. Looking at the screen of your phone, you plugged your headphones in, starting your music playlist you always turned on on your way home. It helped to distract you from the people chasing their friends, having fun like normal kids.

You were never one of those kids, playing and goofing off. Hanging out with friends daily...

Instead, you were more of a loner, the kid that preferred to read than run around carelessly. Not many people approached you, either, but that's because you intimidated most with you glare of disapproval when you saw them do stupid shit. There was only one person you had grown close to over the years... but they moved away a few months ago.

Remembering the fun the two of you had, talking together on the roof of your apartment brought tears to your eyes as you wiped them away immediately.

You slide your phone back into the waistband of your skirt, holding the strap of your bookbag and walking down the countryside path. Rice fields surrounded you on all sides, your gaze fixated on the ground as you continued to walk.

Quietly singing to yourself you closed your eyes, still walking slowly. Distracting yourself from the emptiness inside was the easiest way to get over the one who left you abruptly. If you were being honest, you had a crush on him for the longest time... but then again, so did every girl in school.

He practically had his own fanclub... and the girls that participated bullied you now. He wasn't there to witness it, so what harm could it do to their relationship with him? It didn't bother you much, though, since you knew it was purely out of envy for what you had.

Feeling the vibrations of cars, you opened your eyes and turned left to continue your walk home. You pulled your long hair over your shoulder, braiding it lightly so it didn't blow around everywhere in the wind. The locals waved to you as you ran past them, waving back sweetly. They all knew and enjoyed your company for some a reason you didn't understand. Maybe because you weren't as disrespectful as some of the kids your age.

You jumped over a few bars, running into your apartment complex, flying up to the third floor where you lived. You stopped at the door, a note stuck to it.

'I'll be working a bit late tonight, dear. Remember to make something to eat for your father and yourself! Love you'

You sighed and opened the door, slinging your bag into the corner and taking your shoes off placing them.neatly beside the door. Your feet guided you to the bathroom where you washed your face, gazing at your face for a moment before sighing and turning the light off, going into the kitchen to start food.

"Dad likes noodles, I'll make that for him..." you whispered to yourself, grabbing the ingredients and starting the food.

It didn't take long for you to finish it, setting it in the microwave and leaving a note for when he got home telling him where he could find the food he enjoyed so much. After finishing that, you went into your room, grabbing out your study books and immersing yourself in the school material you had a test on tomorrow.

Music still played in your ears, even as the sun set and the door opened your dad calling out 'I'm home!' Cheerfully. You paid no mind, though, continuing your study as the microwave opened. You worked out problems and practiced writing english sentences, until your phone buzzed.

'Huh?' You thought, figuring it was strange for your phone to buzz.

You opened the screen seeing a text message from your mom. 'Of course.' You didn't bother with reading it, unashamed to of ignored it. You set your phone back down and starting over in your books. You valued your alone time, it really helped with your anxiousness levels you had during the day. But it didn't help with the growing feeling of lack of purpose. You felt almost hopeless in a way...

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